Carlos Smaniotto Costa (PhD) is a Landscape Architect and Environmental Planner, graduated at the University of Hanover, Germany. He is a professor of Urban Ecology and Landscape Design at the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of Universidade Lusófona, Lisbon (Portugal), and an integrated member of the CIAUD Research Centre for Architecture, Urban Planning and Design of the Lisbon University. Smaniotto coordinates national and international founded research and practice-oriented projects. He has vast experience in planning in Germany, Italy and Brazil, in the fields of design of urban environment, open space planning and urban development projects. His research activities deal with issues of sustainable urban development, strategies for the integration of open spaces and nature conservation in the urban context, research methods and participatory processes along urban and landscape design and urban sociology - the relationship between built and social life in cities. Smaniotto is the coordinator of the Ibero-American Network Cyted RUN (Re)naturalised Urban Rivers, and was coordinator of the H2020 Project C3Places (, and the chair of the COST Action TU 1306 Cyberparks ( - projects dealing with the opportunities offered by digital technologies for creating more sustainable urban places. Smaniotto edited seven international books and has several publications in professional journals in Portuguese, English, German and Italian.
Doktor (PhD)Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning
MagisterLandscape Architecture and Environmental Planning
Artigo em revista (magazine)
- 2022, The production of public spaces in Portuguese colonial cities, Public Space and Placemaking in African Cities
- 2022, A regeneração de rios urbanos, paralelos entre Portugal e África - Desafios e práticas, Anuário Rios Urbanos. Série Cultura & Território
- 2015-02, As tecnologias da informação-comunicação contribuem para conhecer as práticas e necessidades sociais em parques urbanos?, O projeto COST-Action CyberParks-TU 1306.
Artigo em revista
- 2024-01-16, Participatory Budgeting and Placemaking: Concepts, Methods, and Practices, Urban Planning
- 2023-06-30, Smart City as Participatory Environment. An Archaeological Exercise on How to Build a Political Community, Interações: Sociedade e as novas modernidades
- 2023-02-01, Smart Thinking on Co-Creation and Engagement: Searchlight on Underground Built Heritage, Smart Cities
- 2023-01-10, Exploiting 2D/3D Geomatics Data for the Management, Promotion, and Valorization of Underground Built Heritage, Smart Cities
- 2022-06-26, Largo da Peça in Benguela (Angola) and the Municipal Market in São Tomé (Sao Tomé and Príncipe). The production of public spaces in Portuguese colonial cities., The Public Space Journal
- 2022-05-09, O efeito metrópole de Curitiba: as configurações espaciais e os reflexos socioambientais da periferização, e-cadernos CES
- 2021-09-16, Planning Perspectives and Approaches for Activating Underground Built Heritage, Sustainability
- 2021-08-28, Creating Tourism Destinations of Underground Built Heritage - The Cases of Salt Mines in Poland, Portugal, and Romania, Sustainability
- 2021-07-20, What happens when teenagers reason about public open spaces? Lessons learnt from co-creation in Lisbon., Cidades, Comunidades e Territórios
- 2021-01-02, Uma praça em frente da escola: sobre a cocriação de um espaço público com adolescentes em Lisboa, Rossio - Estudos de Lisboa
- 2021-01-01, Co-Creation of Teenager-Sensitive Public Spaces. The C3Places Project Living Labs in Lisbon, Portugal, Focus, Journal of the City and Regional Planning Department
- 2020-05-19, Benefícios e desafios na cocriação de espaço público aberto com apoio das ferramentas digitais. As experiências dos projetos CyberParks e C3Places., Geotema
- 2020-03-01, Exploring teenagers' spatial practices and needs in light of new communication technologies, Cities
- 2019-12-06, Data-Driven Processes in Participatory Urbanism: The “Smartness” of Historical Cities, Architecture and Culture
- 2019-11, CyperParks. Paesaggio e nuove tecnologie, Topscape, Paysage
- 2019-03-01, CyberParks - Paesaggio e Nuove Tecnologie, Topscape
- 2018-12-30, Envolver adolescentes no pensar a cidade: reflexão sobre oficinas temáticas de urbanismo no Bairro de Alvalade, Lisboa., Revista de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território (GOT)
- 2017-10-01, Caracol da Penha - Parkidee contra Parkplatz. Die Entstehung eines öffentlichen Stadtteilparks in Lissabon, Stadt und Gruen
- 2017-08-01, A model for evaluating a greenbelt planning in the city of Qazvin (Iran) using MICMAC method. , Modeling Earth Systems and Environment.
- 2017-03-01, Il futuro dello spazio pubblico: Quando reale e virtuale si fondono, Acer
- 2017, Quando reale e virtuale si fondono. CyberParks: nuove tecnologie nella città 2.0, Acer
- 2016-12-01, São Paulo: Eine Stadtautobahn wird Grün, Stadt und Gruen
- 2016-11-01, Interconnections among ICT, social practices, public space and urban design, Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Sociologia
- 2016-05, Is the mediated public open space a smart place? Relationships between urban landscapes and ICT. , SCIRES-IT-SCIentific RESearch and Information Technology
- 2016-03-01, Wie kann Biodiversität im urbanen Raum gefördert werden? Ein Beitrag zur Diskussion um Forschungsbedarf, Stadt und Gruen
- 2016-01-14, The appropriation and transformation of the landscape: the urbanization process resulting from the cultivation of theerva matein Paraná (Brazil), International Planning Studies
- 2016-01-01, A Framework for Guiding the Management of Low-impact Mobility towards Making Room for Sustainable Urban Green Infrastructure, Journal of Traffic and Logistics Engineering
- 2016, Smart Landscapes: from landscapes to Advanced Cultural Districts. Marche Region case study
- 2015-12, CyberParks as a new context for Smart Education: theoretical background, assumptions, and pre-service teachers’ rating, American Journal of Educational Research
- 2015-09-01, Die Umgestaltung des Ufergebietes Ribeira das Naus - Lissabons kleine Schritte zurück zum Tejo, Stadt und Grün
- 2015-04-02, How do Pre-service Teachers Rate ICT Opportunity for Education? A Study in Perspective of the SCOT Theory, Kultura i Edukacja
- 2014-11-01, Das Erbe der Stadterneuerung - Das EXPO '98-Gelände in Lissabon nach 15 Jahren, Stadt und Grün
- 2014-10-21, Why Invest in Urban Landscapes? Impace of European Research on Paradigm Shift in Urban Planning, Focus
- 2012-11-01, Kommunikationstechnik im öffentlichen Raum - Beispiele für neue Interaktionen, Stadt und Grün
- 2012-09-01, Die Wiederentdeckung der Stadträume - Ein Blick auf Freiräume in São Paulo und deren Beitrag zum Stadtklima, Stadt und Grün
- 2012-03-01, As modernas tecnologias de informação e comunicação e o espaço público, Explorando as fronteiras de uma nova relação, Revista de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território
- 2011, Brasilia - La "Città del Futuro" compie 50 anni. L'ideale urbano e le sfide future della capitale brasiliana, Urbanistica
- 2023, Territorial capacity and inclusion: Co-creating a public space with teenagers, 2023, Smaniotto Costa, Carlos; Marluci Menezes; Solipa Batista, Joana, Lusófona University Press
- 2019, Neighbourhood & City - Between digital and analogue perspectives , Costa, Carlos; Smaniotto Costa, Carlos; Marluci Menezes, Lusófona University Press
Capítulo de livro
- 2025, Walking Methods as a Place-Learning Experience for Participatory Design, Placemaking in Practice Vol. 2, 2, Brill
- 2025, Heritage-Based Storytelling and Narratives: the Added Value of Engagement in Placemaking and Heritage Communication, Placemaking in Practice Volume 3, 3, Brill
- 2025, Creative Pedagogies for Placemaking Training in Territorial Planning Science: a Transnational Overview., Placemaking in Practice Volume 3, 3, Brill
- 2025, Co-design with Super-diversity – Challenges for Placemaking: the Case of Martim Moniz Square in Lisbon., Placemaking in Practice Volume 3, 3, Brill
- 2023, Young People and Placemaking: The Provision of Public Spaces for and by Youth, Placemaking in Practice Volume 1, 1, 2024, BRILL
- 2023, The potential of citizen science for socio-spatial studies. Defining and operationalising research pathways, nderstanding and transforming the territory. New Approaches and Perspectives, 5, 2023, Lusófona University Press
- 2023, O Espaço Público em África Lusófona. Visitando o Largo da Peça (Angola) e o Mercado Municipal (São Tomé e Príncipe), 30 anos de Ensino em Urbanismo na Universidade Lusófona, Lusófona University Press
- 2023, How People Change Public Parks by Using: Notes on Before and After the Covid-19 Outbreak, Placemaking in Practice Volume 1, BRILL
- 2023, A review of urban river restoration projects. Practices and challenges., Understanding and transforming the territory. New Approaches and Perspectives., 5, 2023, Lusófona University Press
- 2022, The Impact of COVID-19 and Use of Geo-Tagged User Data in Territories Without Planning: The Case of São Tomé and Príncipe, COVID-19 and a World of Ad Hoc Geographies, Springer International Publishing
- 2021, The gated communities and their socio-spatial configurations in the Metropolitan Region of Curitiba, Brazil, The Immured Space: threshold of boundaries, Edgar Elgar Publishing
- 2021, Informal Planning Approaches in Activating Underground Built Heritage. , Underground Built Heritage Valorisation. A Handbook., 1, CNR Edizioni
- 2021, A Cidade e a Natureza - A natureza de uma complicada relação, Natureza Política: Rupturas, Aproximações e Figurações Possíveis, Agência de Iniciativas Cidadãs
- 2020, The production of public open spaces and the deliberate exclusion of undesirables, Co-Creation of Public Open Places. Practice - Reflection - Learning, Edições Universitárias Lusófonas
- 2019, Towards a Framework for Understanding the Synergies Between Public Spaces, People And Technologies.
- 2019, The Rationale of CyberParks and the Potential of Mediated Public Open Spaces, CyberParks – The Interface Between People, Places and Technology, Springer International Publishing
- 2019, Teenagers’ Perception of Public Spaces and Their Practices in ICTs Uses, Springer International Publishing
- 2019, Reflections on territorial capacity - the interplay between education and understanding and acting in the urban fabric, Neighbourhood & City - Between digital and analogue perspectives, 3, 2019, Lusófona University Press
- 2019, O acesso ao espaço público urbano como indicador de inclusão e equidade social, Neighbourhood & City - Between digital and analogue perspectives, 3, Lusófona University Press
- 2019, Fostering biodiversity in densely built-up areas. A contribution to the debate on research needs., Neighbourhood & City - Between digital and analogue perspectives, 3, Lusófona University Press
- 2019, Digital Hybrids - Between Tool and Methods: An Introduction and Overview, CyberParks ¿ The Interface Between People, Places and Technology, Springer International Publishing
- 2019, CyberParks Songs and Stories - Enriching Public Spaces with Localized Culture Heritage Material such as Digitized Songs and Stories, Springer International Publishing
- 2019, Analysing traditional orchards as potential for greenbelt planning in the city of Qazvin, Iran, Neighbourhood & City - Between digital and analogue perspectives, 3, Lusófona University Press
- 2017, People, public space, digital technology and social practice: an ethnographic approach.
- 2017, Insights on the use of public spaces: leisure behaviours of young professionals and the role of digital technologies
- 2017, Free-time and leisure behaviours and the role of digital technologies, The Making of the Mediated Public Space. Esseys on emerging urban phenomena, Edições Universitárias Lusófonas
- 2017, Digital Tools for Capturing User’s Needs on Urban Open Spaces: Drawing Lessons from Studies in Barcelona, Lisbon, and Ljubljana. In Data-rich Cities. In Certomà, C & Dyer, M (Eds.) Citizen Empowerment and Innovation in the Data-Rich City. Springer International Publishing, pp. 177-194.
- 2017, Digital Tools for Capturing User¿s Needs on Urban Open Spaces: Drawing Lessons from Cyberparks Project, Citizen Empowerment and Innovation in the Data-Rich City, Springer International Publishing
- 2017, Building a theory on co-creating a Cyberpark: lessons learnt from CyberParks and the Flussbad Projects
- 2015, Water as an Element of Urban Design: Drawing Lessons from Four European Case Studies
- 2015, The Lure of CyberPark - Synergistic Outdoor Interactions between Public Spaces, Users and Locative Technologies, Hybrid City 2015: Data to the People, URIAC
- 2015, The Amalgamation of Information and Communication Technologies into Open Public Spaces.
- 2015, How Can Information and Communication Technologies be Used to Better Understand the Way People Use Public Spaces, Planeamento Cultural Urbano em Áreas Metropolitanas, Caleidoscopio
Edição de livro
- 2025, 1-3, Brill
- 2024, 6, 2023, Edições Universitárias Lusófonas
- 2024, 1, 2024, Brill
- 2023, 5, 2023, Lusófona University Press
- 2021, 1, Edições Universitárias Lusófonas
- 2020, 4, Edições Universitárias Lusófonas
- 2019, Springer International Publishing
- 2017, 3, Lusófona University Press
- 2008, IOER
- 2001, 62, Institut fuer Gruenplannung
Artigo em jornal
- 2024-09-11, The Role of Collaborative Ethnography in Placemaking, Humans
- 2020-03-01, Statistical index (SI) as spatial modelling to evaluate the potential for greenbelt development in medium-sized Iranian cities, Spatial Information Research
- 2014-12, How Would Tourists Use Green Spaces? Case Studies in Lisbon. Project CyberParks – Cost TU 1306,
- 2008, E-Learning Module
Recurso online
- 2011, Ein Grünstrukturplan für Senigallia (Italien)
- 2011, A implementação do Plano Estrutural do Verde em Senigallia (Italia),
Artigo em conferência
- 2019-11-13, Exploring Peoples’ Spatial Practices and Needs on Public Spaces in the Digital Era., Digital Urbanism
- 2019-02-10, Teenagers Living Lab in Alvalade neighbourhood, Lisbon. A network for co-creating knowledge on spatial needs.
- 2018-10-10, Co-Creating a Teenagers’ Sensitive Public Open Space: A Case Study in Alvalade Neighbourhood in Lisbon (Portugal), Congresso Português de Sociologia
- 2018-04-01, Touching green - reflections on nature in the digital era, Hybrid Landscapes as Urban Commons in Mediterranean Cities
- 2017-11-21, Why to invest in urban landscape? The impact and opportunities of research on urban environment for the future of our cities, Sustainable and Green Urbanisation Symposium
- 2017-11-02, Why to invest in urban landscape? The impact of research on urban issues, Hybrid Landscapes
- 2016-06-23, People, places and technology. The challenge of a smart public space, Uniscape En route International Seminar in Flaminia
- 2016-05-26, Reflections on Mobility Management towards Making Room for Sustainable Urban Green Infrastructure, International Conference on Transport and Urban Development
- 2016-04-15, Towards a framework for understanding the synergies between public spaces, people and technology, International Conference Places and Technology
- 2015-02-24, Making Room for Sustainable Urban Green Infrastructure, 14th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Engineering
Resumo em conferência
- 2016, Citizens¿ Participation in Planning of Public Open Spaces - The Contribution of the APP WAY CyberParks, LOST AND TRANSFORMED CITIES: A digital perspective
- 2016, A Contribuição da WAY CyberParks para a Criação de uma Plataforma de Apoio ao Planeamento Urbano. Reflexões da Ação COST CyberParks ¿ TU 1306, Web of Knowledge. 3rd HetSci International Meeting
- 2015, Pervasive Public Open Spaces ¿ The Amalgamation of Information and Communication Technologies into Public Open Spaces. Reflections of the COST Action CyberParks ¿ TU 1306, SINERGI Second Thematic Seminar ¿New urban issues, new approaches¿
- 2015, A importância das novas tecnologias no planeamento do espaço público., VI Encontro de Investigadores CeiED ¿Educação, Espaço e Tempo: Investigação, Conhecimento e Intervenção Social¿