Eduardo Moraes Sarmento é professor no Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão (ISEG - Universidade de Lisboa). Possui doutoramento em Economia com especialidade em Turismo pelo Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão (ISEG) da Universidade de Lisboa e agregação em Gestão com especialidade em Turismo pela Universidade de Aveiro. É consultor internacional na área do Desenvolvimento e do turismo e autor de vários artigos científicos internacionais em revistas de topo bem como autor de diversos livros técnicos na área da Sustentabilidade, Economia, Turismo e Metodologia Científica. Tem sido referee internacional de diversas revistas internacionais de referência na área do turismo e do marketing. Orientou diversas teses de doutoramento em várias Instituições (Universidade Lusófona, IGOT-ESHTE, ISEG da Universidade de Lisboa e Universidade de Aveiro) bem como dissertações de mestrado. Tem sido júri de provas de doutoramento e de mestrado em Portugal e no estrangeiro. É ainda investigador no CEsA (ISEG-CSG da Universidade de Lisboa) e coordenador do Mestrado em Desenvolvimento e Cooperação Internacional do ISEG (Universidade de Lisboa).
Título de AgregadoProvas de Agregação
DoutoramentoDoutoramento em Economia
MestradoMestrado em Desenvolvimento e Cooperação Internacional
Artigo em revista (magazine)
- 2023-01, Nova Hotelaria, tendências e oportunidades, Anuário do Turismo de Cabo Verde
- 2022-11, Achieving brand engagement and brand equity through co-creation process, Journal of Creative Communications
Artigo em revista
- 2023-08-11, Human branding: from attachment strength to loyalty, Journal of Marketing Communications
- 2023, Tourism master plan for the island of Santiago, Cabo Verde: 2020 – 2030 – Part 2. , CEsA - Documentos de Trabalho
- 2023, Tourism master plan for the island of Santiago, Cabo Verde: 2020 – 2030 – Part 2, Working papers CEsA. CEsA CSG 193/2023
- 2023, Tourism master plan for the island of Santiago, Cabo Verde: 2020 – 2030 – Part 1., CEsA - Documentos de Trabalho
- 2023, Tourism master plan for the island of Santiago, Cabo Verde: 2020 – 2030 – Part 1, Working papers CEsA. CEsA CSG 192/2023
- 2023, Human branding: from attachment strength to loyalty., Journal of Marketing Communications
- 2023, A qualidade do serviço e a satisfação do cliente: estudo dos clientes do Banco de Poupança e Crédito - Luanda (Angola), Documentos de trabalho nº 194/2023
- 2023, A qualidade do serviço e a satisfação do cliente : estudo dos clientes do Banco de Poupança e Crédito - Luanda (Angola). , CEsA - Documentos de Trabalho
- 2023, A importância dos websites na divulgação da sustentabilidade ambiental nos hotéis de 4 e 5 estrelas em Portugal continental, Tourism and Hospitality International Journal
- 2022, Achieving Brand Engagement and Brand Equity Through Co-creation Process
- 2021-12-13, Analyzing Madeira and Bermuda as Two Different Destinations: A Text Mining Approach, Journal of Promotion Management
- 2021-12, Exploring the role of norms and habit in explaining pro-environmental behavior intentions in situations of use robots and AI agents as providers in tourism sector, Sustainability
- 2021-12, Exploring the Role of Norms and Habit in Explaining Pro-Environmental Behavior Intentions in Situations of Use Robots and AI Agents as Providers in Tourism Sector, Sustainability
- 2021, Exploring emotional states and surprising consumption as drivers of engagement at music festivals., Journal of Tourism & Development
- 2021, Challenges of a small insular developing state: Cape Verde., Tourism and Hospitality Research
- 2020-11, Effects of COVID-19 and tourism - Portugal, Special Edition regarding covid-19 and tourism
- 2019-10-03, What is the core essence of small city boutique hotels?, International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research
- 2019-02-06, Fostering Online Relationships With Brands Through Websites and Social Media Brand Pages, Journal of Promotion Management
- 2019-02-06, Analysing Consumer-Brand Engagement Through Appreciative Listening on Social Network Platforms, Journal of Promotion Management
- 2019-01-27, Exploring the Determinants of Instagram as a Social Network for Online Consumer-Brand Relationship, Journal of Promotion Management
- 2019, What is the core essence of small city boutique hotels?, International Journal of Culture, Tourism, and Hospitality Research
- 2019, Place attachment and tourist engagement of major visitor attractions in Lisbon, Tourism and Hospitality Research
- 2019, Place attachment and tourist engagement of major visitor attractions in Lisbon, Tourism and Hospitality Research
- 2018-10-07, Tourism marketing for developing countries: battling stereotypes and crises in Asia, Africa and the Middle East, Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change
- 2018-10-07, Tourism marketing for developing countries: battling stereotypes and crises in Asia, Africa and the Middle East, Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change
- 2018-06-26, Engaging visitors in cultural and recreational experience at museums, Anatolia
- 2018-06-04, Enhancing brand equity through emotions and experience: the banking sector, International Journal of Bank Marketing
- 2018, Social partner characteristics as facilitators of the co-creation in wine experiences
- 2018, Enhancing brand equity through emotions and experience: the banking sector, International Journal of Bank Marketing
- 2017-10-02, Exploring sources and outcomes of trust and commitment to nonprofit organizations: The case of Amnesty International Portugal, International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing
- 2017, The effect of corporate brand reputation on brand attachment and brand loyalty: Automobile sector, Cogent Business and Management
- 2017, Recent gastronomic touristic tendencies based on a netnography model analysis
- 2015, Tourism destination competitiveness in São Tomé and Príncipe, Anatolia
- 2022, Plano de marketing e marketing digital na hotelaria e turismo, Nuno Abranja; Carvalho, Rita Vitorino , Lidel
- 2021, O plano de marketing na hotelaria e turismo nas PMEs: do tradicional ao digital , Eduardo Moraes Sarmento; Rita Carvalho; Nuno Abranja, LIDEL
- 2021, A transformação digital em museus: a experiência do visitante e o alcance do Brand, Eduardo Moraes Sarmento, Edições Lusófonas
- 2019, Os pequenos estados insulares em desenvolvimento e os desafios da sustentabilidade, Eduardo Moraes Sarmento, Edições Universitárias Lusófonas
- 2017, The impact of generation Y’s customer experience on emotions: Online banking sector, Loureiro, S.M.C.; Sarmento, E.M.
- 2017, Creativity in Intelligent Technologies and Data Science, Eduardo Moraes Sarmento; Sandra Loureiro, Springer International Publishing
- 2008, O Turismo Sustentável como Fator de Desenvolvimento das Pequenas Economias Insulares. O Caso de Cabo Verde, Eduardo Moraes Sarmento, Edições Universitárias Lusófonas
Capítulo de livro
- 2023, Exploring co-creation process in the wineries: the relevance of social partner characteristics, Routledge Handbook of Wine Tourism, 1, 1, Routledge
- 2023, Chapter 6 - Exploring co-creation process in the wineries: the relevance of social partner characteristics, Routledge Handbook of Wine Tourism, Routledge
- 2022, Exploring co-creation process in the wineries
- 2021, State of the art about COVID-19 impact in Santiago University: Cape Verde, 16, IGI Global
- 2021, Os museus de Mar em Cabo Verde
- 2021, Estudos de públicos dos “Museus de Mar” em Portugal, Edições Lusófonas
- 2020, The tourism and poverty challenge: a glance in Cape Verde, Role of Tourism in Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
- 2020, Incorporating Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and related technologies in tourism industry. State of the art. , 13
- 2020, Digitalization of Maritime Heritage in Sea Museums
- 2019, Tourists’ lifestyle and foodservice tendencies in social media, The Routledge Handbook Of Gastronomic Tourism, Routledge
- 2019, Overview of underpinnings of tourism impacts: The case of Lisbon destination
- 2019, Overview of underpinnings of tourism impacts. Lisbon destination, The Routledge Handbook of Tourism Impacts, Routledge
- 2019, O valor da marca no Instituto Superior Politécnico Católico de Benguela em Angola, Revista Lusófona de Economia e Gestão das Organizações R-LEGO, Edições Universitárias Lusófonas
- 2019, O artesanato enquanto instrumento de turismo cultural no interior da ilha de Santiago em Cabo Ve). , Journal of Tourism and Cultural Heritage - PASOS
- 2018, Social partner characteristics as facilitators of the wine Co-creation experiences, Managing and marketing wine tourism and destinations. Theory and cases
- 2018, Social partner characteristics as facilitators of the co-creation of wine experiences
- 2018, Loyalty challenges in hotel restaurants in Lisbon
- 2017, The effect of corporate brand reputation on brand attachment and brand loyalty. The automobile sector, Cogent Business & Management
- 2017, The Relationship Marketing on Social Software Platforms, The Routledge Handbook of Consumer Behaviour in Hospitality and Tourism, Routledge
- 2017, The Impact of Generation Y's Customer Experience on Emotions. Online Banking Sector, Creativity in Intelligent Technologies and Data Science. Communications in Computer and Information Science series, 754, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- 2017, Relationship marketing on social software platforms
- 2017, Relationship Marketing. The case of Social Software Platforms, Handbook of Consumer Behaviour in Hospitality and Tourism, Routledge. Taylor and Francis Group Publishing
- 2017, New-age elderly in Germany. How to live better with healthy experiences, Journal of Tourism & Development, 1, 27/28, Universidade de Aveiro
- 2017, Making museums attractions to tourist. Serious leisure, meaningfulness and emotions as drivers to Engagement, Journal of Tourism & Development., 1, 27/28, Universidade de Aveiro
- 2017, Insights about destination brand. Madeira case study, 9, 1
- 2017, How customer experience attributes can influence customer satisfaction and online bank credibility, Euromed Press
- 2017, Foodservice tendencies and tourists’ lifestyle: new trends in tourism, Journal of Tourism & Development, 1, 27, Universidade de Aveiro
- 2017, Engaging tourists with museums in Lisbon destination, Conference book Proceedings of ANZMAC. Marketing in a Post Disciplinary Era
- 2017, Customer experience attributes, Global and national business theories and practice. Bridging the past with the future, Euromed
- 2017, Análise do cluster do calçado em Portugal. Competitividade e internacionalização, Revista Lusófona de Economia e Gestão das Organizações R LEGO , 5
- 2016, Engaging tourists with museums in the destination Lisbon, ANZMAC
- 2016, Engaging the elderly tourists in museums
- 2016, Captivating tourists to Museums. Young versus senior museum visitors
- 2015, Internet in the intermediation role of travel agents. The Portuguese case
- 2015, I love you… but not unconditionally. Perceptions about luxury fashion brands., Porto Business School
- 2015, Feeling better while waiting. The influence of intrinsic cues of hospital lobby in Portugal and South Korea, Porto Business School
- 2014, Exploring the perceptions of the millennial generation about corporate social responsibility. Luxury fashion brands
- 2014, Driving information through social network. Usefulness and adoption of information about firms in Facebook, Tourism and Management Studies International Conference
- 2014, Attitudes and behaviours amongst a sample of young adults. Recycling and prevent wastes, TMS Management Studies International Conference
- 2013, Customer Relationship Management. A sua importância no setor hoteleiro, Livro de Atas SOPCOM
- 2010, Epistemologia e Metodologia, . Edições CEsA (Centro de Estudos sobre África e do Desenvolvimento) e ACEP (Associação para a Cooperação entre os Povos).
- 1996, A legal approach to tourist sustainable development indicators in small development islands, Small Islands: Marine Science and Sustainable Development, American Geophysical Union
Edição de livro
- 2021, 2, Edições Lusófonas
- 2012, Studies and Technical Assistance in all Sectors
- 2001, Relatório de Desenvolvimento Humano 2000, United Nations Development Programme
- 2000, Relatório de Desenvolvimento Humano 1999, United Nations Development Programme
Artigo em jornal
- 2018-07-20, Viva o turismo. Abaixo a descaracterização dos bairros históricos, Publituris
- 2016-04-28, O Turismo em tempos conturbados, Publituris
- 2015-06-13, Boa Vista. A vida simples nunca saiu daqui, Público
- 2015-06-12, Novos ventos de mudança no turismo. E a seguir?, Publituris
- 2010-09-23, O papel do turismo nos PALOP e o desenvolvimento da economia portuguesa?, Semanário SOL
- 2020-08, Estudo da cadeia de valor do sector do turismo - Angola
- 2020-06, Medidas para a retoma do turismo Angolano
- 2020-04-30, Diagnóstico Sectorial e Plano de Acção para o Turismo
- 2019-08-01, Development of Tourism Master Plan (2019-2030) for the Island of Santiago in Cabo Verde.
- 2018-10-04, Indicadores de qualidade de vida dos idosos da (calidad de vida de los enfermos de una) comunidade de uma alta área urbanizada da região da Amazônia Brasileira,
- 2017-12-04, Plano Estratégico para a ilha de Santiago (2019 e 2030),
- 2017, Observatório dos Direitos. Relatório Narrativo Final
- 2015-12-21, Perfil do turista russo no desenvolvimento da Macaronésia
Documento de trabalho
- 2023-02, Study of the chain value of tourism sector in Angola as an alternative economic, social and environmental development strategy under the PRODESI programme