The Teaching Methods and Strategies are designed to enhance the students understanding of the fundamental educational guidelines and teaching methods combined with an environment of quality education in the realm of formal physical education, sport, exercise and social well-being.
Class from course
Class from course
Degree | Semesters | ECTS
Degree | Semesters | ECTS
Bachelor | Anual | 7
Year | Nature | Language
Year | Nature | Language
2 | Mandatory | Português
Prerequisites and corequisites
Prerequisites and corequisites
Not applicable
Professional Internship
Professional Internship
Conhecer a materia de ensino nao e uma condicao suficiente para alcancar a eficacia pedagogica ou para se ser um especialista do ensino; para alem de um solido conhecimento do conteudo e necessa¿rio possuir um vasto reperto¿rio de habilidades te¿cnicas de ensino. E imprescindivel, ainda, que o Professor assuma que constitui uma atividade moral e etica. Dai, a necessidade de formar um profissional reflexivo e critico, que sabe o faz e justifica as suas opcoes, e, alem disso, esteja empenhado em faze-lo da melhor maneira possivel.
Os conteudos do modulo 1 visam apetrechar os estudantes com os conhecimentos suscetiveis de os capacitar a ultrapassar uma visao tecnocratica do ensino e a atuar de forma critica.
Os contedos dos modulos 2 e 3 visam desenvolver nos estudantes a capacidade de articularem tecnicas de diagnostico, instrucao, gestao e disciplina, a fim de garantir a necessaria plasticidade na relacao educativa.
At the end of the course students must:
1. Know the different educational guidelines in Physical Education and Sport and be able to explain how each one is considered in regards to the goals of education in different contexts of professional intervention.
2. Be able to argue on the basis of educational and ethical approaches, the validity of the socio-critical perspective on teaching of physical and sports activities.
3. Knowledge of general and specific variables of effective teaching methods.
Teaching methodologies and assessment
Teaching methodologies and assessment
There are two types of classes: Theory and theory-practical classes. Teaching resources are available in the b-learning system (moodle).
The methodologies used are:
Teaching analysis; case studies; critical analysis; documents analyses and videos for group discussion. The two forms of assessment are:
continuous assessment (one group project; 4 individual mini tests; written test and podcast);
Final score:
FS = (Essay * 30%) + ( 4 individual mini-tests * 20%) + (Podcast *10%) + ( written test * 40% ).
The average of all elements of assessment must equal or be greater than 9.5 values. Only with one element above 7,5 will be possible to do a recovery test.If the student does not have more than 70% of attendance, will be excluded from continuous assessment
- written test; interview (1st semeste work); video production with techniques and teaching styles.
The average of all elements of assessment must be equal or greater than 9.5 values.
Carreiro da Costa (2019). Educacio¿n fi¿sica como proyecto de innovacio¿n y transformacio¿n cultural. Physical Education as a Project of Innovation and Cultural Transformation. Revista Cariben¿a de Investigacio¿n Educativa . 3(2), 19-32
Gomes, L., Martins, J. & Carreiro da Costa (2017). Estilos de Ensino em Educac¿a¿o Fi¿sica. In R. Catunda & A. Marques (Eds.), Educac¿a¿o Fi¿sica Escolar. Refere¿ncias para um ensino de qualidade (pp. 87-107). Belo Horizonte, Brasil: Casa da Educac¿a¿o Fi¿sica.
Martins, J., Gomes, L. & Carreiro da Costa, F. (2017). Te¿cnicas de Ensino para uma Educac¿a¿o Fi¿sica. In R. Catunda & A. Marques (Eds.), Educac¿a¿o Fi¿sica Escolar. Refere¿ncias para um ensino de qualidade (pp. 53-85). Belo Horizonte, Brasil: Casa da Educac¿a¿o Fi¿sica.
Muska, M. & Ashworth, S. (2008). Teaching Physical Education . First online edition. https://spectrumofteachingstyles.org
Office Hours
Office Hours
Nome do docente
Horário de atendimento
Lucia Gomees
quinta 13.05 - 13.30
Cristina Costa
segunda 8.00 - 8.25