
Class Theories of Space II

  • Presentation


    The unit of Theories of Space II develops the plurality of the architectural discourses about space in the second half of the XX century, in its redefinition and criticism of the metropolitan condition and the modern program of the first half of the XX century. As a moment of disciplinary reorientation, it establishes the connections with the three great philosophical paradigms of this period: phenomenology, semiology and critical theory. The contact of architecture with, on the one hand, the human and social sciences, on the other, with aesthetics and the arts determines the opening and expansion of the discipline in contemporaneity, transforming architectural thought and practice. Finally, the investigations of architectural space in the units of Theories of Space I and Theories of Space II allows for the construction of a contemporary architectural culturem as well as the creative and experimental exploration of the design activity.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. The theories of space in the second half of the XX century. The confrontation with the metropolitan condition and the modern program.

    2. The disciplinary influence phenomenology in architecture. The theories of Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty and Bachelard. 

    3. The architectural manifestations of phenomenological space. The place of Rogers, the genius loci of Norberg-Schulz and critical regionalism of Frampton.

    4. The disciplinary influence of semiology in architecture. The theories of Eco and Barthes.

    5. The architectural manifestations of semiological space. The analogical city of Rossi, Las Vegas of Venturi & Scott Brown, the post-modernism of Jencks and the conceptual architecture of Eisenman.

    6. The disciplinary influence of critical theory in architecture. The theories of Lefebvre and Foucault.

    7. The disciplinary condition of  architecture in contemporaneity. A discipline between autonomy and hibridization.

  • Objectives


    This unit proposes a theoretical and critical approach to the issues of spatiality in architecture between the II World War. and the end of the 1970s, allowing for a broad understanding of its historical, social ans cultural context. After the curricular unit of Theories of Space I, which address the issues of space in metropolitan and modern culture, Theories of Space II discusses the main influences in architecture of the great paradigms of thought in its critic and redefinition.  As cultural basis of contemporary societies, it is offered knowledge and disciplinary approaches that are still in debate and are reference for current design practices. The acquisition of knowledge aims to stimulate not just the critical reflection about the architectural creation and reception, but also the experimental and speculative research of issues of space in its practical and critical dimensions.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    The classes will be made up mainly by three complementary strands. On the one hand, there will be explanatory theoretical sessions about the thematics in the program, accompanied by audiovisual material. On the other hand, there will accompanied readings of fundamental essays about the theoretical thematics in the program, in order to promote the collective critical debate. Finally, the development of the work by the students will be accompanied throughout the semester, through discussion and supervision.

  • References


    - Leach, N. (ed.) (1997). Rethinking Architecture: A Reader in Cultural Theory. London / New York: Routledge. AQ/192-BC

    - Nesbitt, K. (ed.) ([1996] 2008). Uma Nova Agenda para a Arquitectura: Antologia Teórica 1965-1995. São Paulo: Cosac Naify. AQ/377-BC

    - Ockman, J. (ed.) (1993). Architecture Culture 1943-1968: A Documentary Anthology. New York: Columbia Books of Architecture / Rizzoli. AQ/570-BC

    - Rodrigues, J. M. (ed.) (2010). Teoria e Crítica de Arquitectura: Século XX. Lisboa: Ordem dos Arquitectos / Caleidoscópio. AQ/412-BC

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