
Class History of Architecture and the Arts III

  • Presentation


    The curricular unit presents contents that refer to the knowledge of architecture and the arts since the second half of the XIX century, to the sixties of the XX century, focusing in particular on the evolution of housing and domestic architecture, from the critique to the industrial society by European utopites and the movement for the reform of the arts and crafts, to the revision of modern architecture in the first decades after the Second World War, focusing fundamentally in ideas, theories, aesthetic movements and schools  with repercussions in the practice of architecture. Framed in the respective socio-cultural conditions, the course contents develop topics covered in the subjects Introduction to Theory and History of Architecture II and History of Architecture and Arts II, for domains in the articulation of architecture with the arts and critical thinking.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    I. Criticism to industrial society

    Movement for the reform of applied arts, arts and crafts

    Art Nouveau: Macintosh, Henry van de Velde, Vitor Horta, Gaudi

    II. The movement of the «Portuguese house»

    Raul Lino and the values of the dwelling

    III. Beginning of the modern process in the United States

    Chicago School, Sullivan

    F.L.Wright, continuous space and spatial expansion.

    IV. Critical thinking and European vanguards

    Adolf Loos

    Haus Wittgenstein

    The Viennese Secession

    Teaching Architecture and the Arts: Gropius and the Bauhaus

    De Stijl

    V. Consolidation of the modern process until the Second World War

    Functionalism and Rationalism

    The firsts CIAM

    The housing works of the masters of the modern movement: Gropius, Mies, Le Corbusier, Mies and Aalto.

    VI. Questioning and diversity after World War II

    Debate on Habitat and housing

    Post-war CIAMs

    Team X

    VII. Mid Century Architecture

    Case Study House- CSH Program 1945-1966

    Fuller, Johnson and Khan

    VIII. Critical regionalism

  • Objectives


    The fundamental objective of the UC is the operationality of the knowledge of architecture and the arts in that period from the evolution of accommodation and domestic architecture, while supporting the development of personal skills (oral and written communication, preparation of syntheses), instrumental (access to reliable sources, critical interpretation), social (collaboration, ethical commitment) and systemic (autonomy, self-criticism).

    This main objective integrates four other:

    1- Instruct a reflection on the historical context and respective conditions that are at the origin of cultural dynamics, artistic currents and critical thinking, which frame architectural production.

     2- Develop capacities for collecting, systematizing and analyzing information and documentation;

    3- Contribute to the formative enrichment of experimentation with research methods;

    4- Contribute to the student's formative enrichment, as a theoretical basis to support the practice of architecture.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    The subject of History of Architecture and the Arts II presents lessons of both theoretical and practical nature. The lectures are essentially expository, seeking to fulfill the contents in the syllabus. For these classes are used teaching resources available at the ULHT suited for the dynamic, sequential and structured presentation of images. The practical classes are undertaken in the form of Discussion Groups on the topics covered in the lectures, or of follow-up of the work for the making of the monograph. The Discussion Groups are intended to relate, in a thoughtful way, disciplinary content, the systematization or originality of the proposed work and the relevance of the topics covered. The evaluation consists in the elaboration of a synthesis work and a research work, each item with a weight of 50% in the final result.

  • References


    BANHAM, Reyner (1960). Teoria e Projecto na Primeira Era da Máquina. Editora Perspectiva, São Paulo, 2ª edição 1979.

    BENÉVOLO, Leonardo - História de la Arquitectura Moderna, Editorial Gustavo Gili, S.A. Barcelona, 1974, 5ª edição ampliada 1982.

    COLQUHOUN, Alan (2002). La Arquitectura Moderna. Una historia desapasionada. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili. Cota: AQ/393-BC

    FRAMPTON, Kenneth (2000). História Crítica da Arquitectura Moderna. Martins Fontes, São Paulo. (Cota: AQ/106-BC)

    FRANÇA, José-Augusto. História da Arte Ocidental, 1780-1980, Livros Horizonte, Lisboa, 1988.

    KOSTOF, S. (2007). Historia de la Arquitectura (Vol. 3). Madrid Alianza Editorial, Madrid. (Cota: AQ/224.B-BC)

    NORBERG-SCHULZ, C. (2004). Arquitectura Occidental. (5.ª tir., 1.ª ed.). Gustavo Gili, Barcelona. (Cota: AQ/53-BC)

    SMITH, Elizabeth A.T. (ed.). Blueprints for Modern Living: History and Legacy of the Case Study Houses. The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, The Mit Press,Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, 1989.

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