
Class Space Anthropology II

  • Presentation


    This curricular unit aims to gather scientific knowledge and ethnographic techniques that allow the identification and analysis of contemporary representations of Space. The programmatic contents were selected in order to cover the mutations, contexts and dynamics that compose Space as a field: from macroprocesses, such as globalization and generalized acceleration, to microrelations, such as the heterotopic and the particular, and thus considering pressing issues such as climate change. It promotes the analysis and reflection on the local and translocal processes that address contemporaneity, along with the seminal impulses that actively contributed to the real and symbolic construction of space.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Methodologies: fieldwork in Social Sciences

    1.1. Field research: epistemological issues of the ethnosociological method.

    1.2. Towards an anthropology of the object and networks: genesis of the technical object and evolution of technical reality.


    2. Concepts: the city and its regeneration

    2.1. From places to non-places: elements of overmodernity

    2.2. Inclusive and exclusive processes: gentrification and heterotopies.

    2.3. The Space of Social Movements: the right to housing.

    2.4. New housing models.

  • Objectives


    General Learning Objectives:

    Relate theoretical knowledge: analyse, categorize and compare the contents of this subject.

    Know the specificities of a research anchored to anthropology as a field of study.

    Understand the mode of existence of the urban space and the functioning of the networks that constitute it.

    Stimulate the critical reflection on contemporaneity.


    Expected outcomes (indicators):

    Develop skills in scientific research: identification, selection, justification and validation of ideas.

    Identify concepts in reference works and develop further readings.

    Essay writing, scientifically anchored and parameterized according to academic standards.

    Critically discuss the contemporaneity, correlating the acquired knowledge.

    Apply knowledge and anthropological tools in transdisciplinary research projects.

  • References


    Augé, M. (2007 [1992]). Não-Lugares: Introdução a uma antropologia da sobremodernidade. Lisboa: 90º.

    AE/334 ¿ BC

    Burgess, R. (1997 [1984]. A pesquisa de terreno. Oeiras: Celta.

    S/250 ¿ BC

    Jacobs, J. (2011 [1961]). Morte e Vida de Grandes Cidades. S. Paulo: Martins Fontes. UR/142 ¿ BC

    Poirier, J. Et. Al 1999. Histórias de Vida. Oeiras: Celta. S/252-BC

    Rivière, C.  (1995). Introdução à Antropologia. Lisboa: Edições 70. AE/48-BC

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