
Class Image Experience in Knowledge Acquisition

  • Presentation


    Curricular unit which aims to introduce an experimental perspective in the observation, understanding and development of project exercises, in the field of material culture.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Typologies of Association, in the context of similarity, contrast, contiguity and frequency

    2. Similarity assessments, within directionality and asymmetry of similarity (physical distance and alternatives comparison)

    3. References Presence, in the scope of Present, Past and Future

    4. Chronological symbolism in the scope of Conceptual or Situationist Elements

    5. Plausible Content in the context of Casual Conviction, Engrams, Causal Concatenation and Access Key

    6. Communication Processes in the Field of Information, Objectives and Actions.

    7. Cognition, within the framework of Cognitive Progression, Cognitive Stabilisation and Cognitive Recession

  • Objectives


    • Development of skills in identifying: observable patterns and dependencies in information, testable implications between elements, relationships and absence of relationships, relationships of dependence or independence.
    • Perception of the notion of sample size and measured proportions.
    • Development of practices of association between variables by correlation (simple and multiple) or regression (simple).
    • Development of inference and reference reasoning, and prospective and retrospective reasoning.
    • Understanding of connective and combination logics.
    • Promote forms of exploration: intensive exploration (refinement) and extensive exploration (alternatives).
    • Mastering processes of ancestry and progeny.
  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    The methodology used in each session is structured as follows: the sessions are oriented according to a methodological planning that consists of phases. Each phase is developed according to specific contents articulated according to a class structure that includes theoretical and practical moments.

    The teaching model is based on an active and dynamic pedagogical practice, i.e., allows exploring the creative capacity when subject to conceptual stimuli and simultaneously exploring the result in confrontation with the result of the "other(s)".

  • References


    1. Pasternak, C., (2009), O que nos torna humanos?, Lisboa: Texto e Grafia

    2. Damásio, A., (2020), Sentir & Saber - A caminho da consciência, Lisboa: Temas e Debates

    3. Lewis, M., (2017), Projeto Refazer, Alfragide: Lua de Papel

    4. Shaw, Julia., (2016), A Ilusão da Memória. Lisboa: Temas e Debates

    5. Kahneman, D., (2012), Pensar depressa e devagar. Lisboa: Temas e Debates


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