
Class Socio-Historical Analysis of Education

  • Presentation


    This Curricular Unit intends to introduce the student in the problem of historical and social knowledge of education.  Scientific knowledge has a temporality, with its continuities and discontinuities, which forces us to relate the present with the past and the future. In this sense, it is intended to awaken the student to the need to learn from what we have already done to better build what we have to do. With this, it is intended to promote critical thinking, and develop an attitude of consideration and openness to dialogue, avoiding the danger of dogmatism. 


  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1 - Theory of History:

    1.1 - The particularity of the history of education as a social science

    2- History of educational institutions

    2.1. Historiographical look at social spaces for education

    3 - The student

    3.1 - The passage from child to student. Juvenile cultures.

    4 - The teaching profession

    4.1 - The past and present of teachers. Being a teacher through out of age. The relationship of the teacher with you, with the work and with the others.

    5 - The history of the curriculum

    5.1 - Knowledge as a historically formed knowledge . Social regulations and learning a relationship with the world.

    6 - Class direction (group-class leadership)

    6.1 - The historical challenge to cooperation in educational work.

    7 - The process of teacher professionalization

    7.1 - The different training models throughout its history.

    8 - The disciplinary groups

    8.1 - Affirmation and professional development

    9 - School Sport

    9.1 - The different training models. The values and behaviors transmitted

  • Objectives


    - Critically interpret the past, distinguishing long, medium and short-term trends

    - Reflect on the critical points of education

    - Know the main sources for socio-historical research work, techniques and concepts

    - Use the methodologies, techniques and concepts of research in socio-history of Education

    - Discuss the educational process in the light of a socio-historical perspective

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Students are organized into task groups so that they have an opportunity to actively participate in their learning. To enhance the learning tasks, the support of technological means will be used as means to facilitate teaching.

  • References


    Brás, J.V. Gonçalves, M.N. & Hernandez Dias, J. M. (2014). From Organic to Functional and Symbolic: Body Building in Civility Course Books in Portugal (1856-1919)  American Journal of Educational Research. 3(III), 391-395. Available at:

    Brás, J. (2008). A higiene e o governo das almas: o despertar de uma nova relação, Revista Lusófona de Educação, 12, 113-138. 

    Brás José & Gonçalves, M. N. (2008). Os saberes e poderes da Reforma de 1905, Revista Lusófona de Educação, 13, 101-121.

    Brás, J.V. & Gonçalves, M.N (org,) (2011). O imperativo Republicano em Debate. Lisboa: Edições Universitárias Lusófonas.

    Carvalho, R. (1986). História do ensino em Portugal. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.

    Fernandes, R. (1992). O pensamento pedagógico em Portugal. Lisboa: Instituto de Cultura de Língua Portuguesa.

    Nóvoa, A. (1991). Profissão professor. Porto: Porto Editora.

    Nóvoa, A. (1992). Vidas de professores. Porto: Porto Editora

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