
Class Ethics and Professional Deonthology

  • Presentation


    The program is structured around programmatic content that we considered relevant for the training of professionals responsible for education. The program is a disciplinary space for training and research, putting available to students a set of information about ethics and the teaching profession, the different types of ethics, the ethical worship and the ethical codes, considered necessary for the understanding of the problem of professional doing. Professional performance must be seen in the light of ethics, morals and authority, embodied in professional ethics. With this option we intend to promote reflection and critical thinking around the articulation between ethical competence, culture and professional deontology.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1 - Ethics and the teaching profession

    1.1 - Delimitation of the concept of profession

    1.2 - The ethical nature of the teaching profession

    1.3 - Ethical conscience

    2 - The Problem of Professional Practice

    2.1- Teaching culture and axiological attitudes

    2.2 - The mechanisms of qualification/disqualification

    2.3 - Ethics, Moral and Authority

    2.4 - Deontology, teleology and virtue ethics

    3 - The Problem of Knowing and Wanting to Be Professional

    3.1 - The intellectual and affective dimension of moral action

    3.2 - The pre-ethical thought and stages of moral development

    3.3 - The axiological function of utopia

    3.4 - The paradigm of responsibility and law

    4 - Ethical Competence

    4.1 - Different Dimensions of Ethical Competence

  • Objectives


    1.1 - Conduct a study on the problems addressed in the discipline, involving the following responsibilities:
    1.1.1 - Demonstrate a critical application of the concepts covered in the analysis of the qualification / disqualification of the teaching profession.
    1.1.2 - Using ethical arguments for support of professional development as a process of organizational and individual participation. 
    1.1.3 - Being able to identify the different levels of responsibility in the process. 
    1.1.4 - Learn to relate the ethical competence to professional development.
    1.1.5 - Discuss code ethics as an affirmation of professionalism. 
    1.1.6 - Demonstrate a reflective thought about the ethical nature of the teaching profession

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    To achieve the learning, we organized the process by integrating active methodologies. This entire teaching-learning process is structured in such a way as to require students to actively participate in the construction of their knowledge process.

    Student participation involves the completion of tasks that require:

    - Individual research. Students are confronted with situations that appeal to the need to know how to individually try to answer the doubts that are asked throughout the classes;

    - Group search. Students are confronted with situations that appeal to the need for cooperative learning.

    -Debates. The students are confronted with situations that require the confrontation of ideas, the development of critical thinking.

    In the different problem situations, the student has to express his/her knowledge orally and in writing.

  • References


    Altarejos, F. et al (1998). Ética Docente. Elementos para uma Deontologia Profesional. Barcelona: Ed. Ariel.
    Brás, J. V & Gonçalves, M. N. (2012). A Invenção da Profissão Docente: uma vontade colectiva. Actas do III Seminário da rede de pesquisadores sobre associativismo e sindicalismo dos trabalhadores em educação. Rio de Janeiro: ISBN é 978-85-86315-74-9.
    Brás, J. V., Gonçalves, M. N. (2010). A Construção da Profissão Docente na I República – O Movimento Associativo. Entretextos, 19, [ 
    Cunha, P. D´O. (1996). Ética e Educação. Lisboa: Universidade Católica.
    Dubar, C.(1997). A Socialização. Construção das Identidades Sociais e Profissionais. Porto: Porto Editora.


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