
Class Supervised Teaching Practice

  • Presentation


    This curricular unit aims to provide students with direct contact with educational practice: knowledge of the functioning of the school community and experience in supervised teaching practice.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    Description of contents:

    School community functioning
    Class direction monitoring
    Participation in the activities of the disciplinary group
    Observation and participation in teaching activities
    Planning of teaching activities
    Teaching supervised by the cooperating advisor
    Student evaluation

    Dynamization of educational activities

  • Objectives


    - Develop technical, didactic and pedagogical skills, appropriate to the teaching function, guiding the student in order to base their professional practice on specific knowledge resulting from knowledge and research in visual arts and other knowledge.

    - Promote the problematization and reflection of pedagogical practice in the teaching of visual arts

    - Critically reflect on educational practices in the area of artistic expression and visual and technological culture, promoting the integrated exploration of aesthetic, scientific and technical problems

    - Reflect and apply in the pedagogical practice the knowledge acquired

    - Develop skills related to the application of knowledge in understanding problems and looking for solutions in new and complex situations of teaching practice and the educational community.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Although each PES advisor has different ways of teaching and participating in school life, frequent meetings are promised with cooperating advisors to set goals, strategies and procedures for better functioning of this unit.

    Students develop a PES portfolio.

  • References


    • Esteves, l. M. ((2008). Visão panorâmica da Investigação-ação. Porto: Porto Editores
    • Latorre, A. (2003). La Investigación- Acción: Conocer y cambiar la práctica educativa. Barcelo: Graó. 
    • Gaudelius, Y. & Speirs, P. (2002). Contemporary Issues in Art Education. New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.[
    • Marín, R. V. (2005) (eds). Investigación en Educación Artística: Temas, métodos y técnicas de indagación sobre el aprendizage y la enseñanza de las artes y culturas visuales. Universidad de Granada y Universidad de Sevilla.
    • Nóvoa, A (2013). Pensar la escuela mas allá de la escuela. Con-ciencia Social, 7-38
    • Nóvoa, A.  (2017). Firmar a posição como professor, firmar a profissão como docente. Cadernos de Pesquisa, 47, 1106-1131.
    • Zabalza, M. (2000). Planificação e Desenvolvimento Curricular na Escola. Porto: ASA
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