
Class Semiotic

  • Presentation


    The study of the processes of signification, the subject of Semiology or Semiotics, is a decisive area in the scientific understanding of communication phenomena and has long been part of the curricula of these courses. Its proposal is attractive because it allows us to become aware of how our every thought, no matter how intimate, every gesture or behaviour, right up to the most complex cultural phenomena in which we find ourselves, is in fact a form of meaning production. The whole world of life, every human being, is understood by this discipline as a complex and fascinating phenomenon of constructing meanings. They are what cement our identity because, from the perspective of semiotics, all human cultures are historical responses and strategies for the symbolic construction of a world that makes sense.  This discipline allows us to learn how meaning is produced and therefore aims to make us better readers and communicators.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    I. Peirce's semiotics: the action of the sign, the sign in action

    1. Who was Charles Sanders Peirce? The researcher and the context of American Pragmatism
    2. Triadic notion of sign: representer, object, interpretant
    3. Phaneroscopy: Firstness, Secondness, Thirdness
    4. Trichotomy of the sign
    5. Exercises: applied Peircian semiotics

    II. Saussure's linguistics and the proposal for a general semiology

    1. Who was Ferdinand de Saussure? Saussure and the foundations of structuralism in the social sciences and humanities
    2. The sign and Saussure's linguistic system
    3. Signifier/Signified
    4. Language/Speech
    5. Denotation/connotation
    6. Linguistic value
    7. Paradigm/Syntagm

    III. TEXT/DISCOURSE: Politics of Representation

    1. Denotation and connotation: The system of Myth according to Roland Barthes
    2. Criticising structuralism: The watchword, according to Deleuze&Guatari
    3. The school of cultural studies and semiotics: the contributions of Stuart Hall.
  • Objectives


    In the first instance, the aim is to gain a broader understanding of the question of meaning and its central position in the connection to the world around us. To realise that there is only a world in/through the construction of meaning.  Secondly, the aim is to familiarise students with the history and debates of semiotics, including developments in contemporary semiotics, as well as familiarising them with the main concepts of the discipline.  Finally: to exercise an applied semiological eye on contemporary communicational languages and objects.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Group work in class to apply knowledge. Use of the moodle platform for tests and learning games during lessons.

  • References


    Peirce, “Ícone, índice e símbolo” in Semiótica. São Paulo: Editora Perspectiva.

    Peirce, “Correspondência: Trechos de cartas a Lady Welby”, in Semiótica e Filosofia. São Paulo: Editora Cultrix (pp. 135-146)

    Rodrigues, Adriano Duarte. (1991). Introdução à Semiótica. Lisboa: Editorial Presença 

    Santaella, Lúcia (2001). Teoria Geral dos Signos. Pioneira Thomson Editora. (todo o livro)*

    Santaella, Lúcia (2002). Semiótica Aplicada. Publicidade, Arte, Mídia, Vídeos, Literatura, Instituições. São Paulo: Editora Pioneira Thomson.

    Saussure, Ferdinand. Curso de Linguística Geral. Lisboa: D. Quixote (pp. 32-46; 121-140)

    Barthes, Roland. Elementos de Semiologia. Lisboa: Edições 70

    Barthes, Roland. Mitologias. Lisboa: Edições 70 [1º edição 1957] (pp. 181-223)

    Hall, S. (2016). Cultura e representação (W. Miranda, Daniel; Oliveira (trans.)). Editora PUC-Rio.

    Lima, G. B., & Carvalho, D. T. de. (2012). Análise semiótica aplicada às marcas. Revista Electrônica de Administração (Online)11(2), 1–13.



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