
Class Media Theory

  • Presentation


    The medium emerges as a subsumption of the relationships between technology and communication and their effects on society and culture in history. The concept seeks to describe the instrumental domain of the human creative process, but also serves its self-understanding. Medium has been a pivotal category since the end of the 20th century. XIX with the emergence of mass media. This UC can only be thought of together with a genealogy, enabling the understanding of human action in its historical expressiveness, especially in contemporary times. Man’s creative action has his condition in the understanding of the media. The historical-theoretical focus allows access to the problems that the media have produced and the effects they are having in societies markedly dependent on technological mediations and media technologies. Objectives and skills are intertwined in the program to provide a panoramic view of the problems generated by the media in the past and in contemporary society.


  • Code


  • Syllabus


    Genealogy of media concept: meaning and object of a media theory. Technical devices and its discourse: form antiquity to present day.

    Media, discourse, reality: media and power; media and suspicion; media and simulacra; remediation.

    The Canadian School of Media: Harold A. Innis: time and space; Eric A. Havelock: the Greek inheritance; Marshall McLuhan: the extensions of body.

    Marxist media critique: Walter Benjamin: media and art; Günther Anders: world in images; Hans Magnus Enzensberger: media and mobilization.

    Contemporary Media Theory: Niklas Luhmann: medium and form; Jean Baudrillard: the decline of the real; Paul Virilio: excess and velocity; Boris Groys: the submedial; Friedrich Kittler: the post-human; Peter Sloterdijk: «actio in distans».

  • Objectives


    a) distinguish medium (media) and technology;

    b) Describe technically mediated experience; 

    c) adapt knowledge into an argumentative and critical judgement to current situation;

    d) identify the main paradigms in thinking mediation;

    e) to produce a critical judgment about media in a creative context;

    f) recognize how media shapes culture;

    g) know the genealogy of the media and how an theory of the media is possible;

    h) recognize the 'media reality’;

    i) to identify as differences and antitheses between different theoretical positions;

    j) have a critical position on the history of the media;

    k) be acquainted about the relations between the media and society;

    l) determine the impact of the media on the arts and aesthetics;

    m) be able to identify political strategies made possible by media;

    n) identify research branches in media studies.

    o) be able to build a systematic argumentative discourse on the relationships between culture, art, media and reality.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Oral exposal class; hermeneutics and textual heuristics; public discussion of arguments; visual support material

  • References


    Eric A. Havelock, A musa aprende a escrever. Reflexões sobre a oralidade e a literacia da antiguidade até ao presenteLisboa, Gradiva, 1996.

    Friedrich A. Kittler, Gramophone, Film, Typewriter. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1999.

    Günther Anders, La obsolescencia del hombre. Sobre el alma en la época de la segunda revolución industrial (Vol I). Valencia: Pre-Textos, 2011.

    Hans Magnus Enzensberger, «Constituents of a Theory of Media»In Timothy Druckrey (ed.), Electronic Culture. New York: Aperture, 1996.

    Harold A. Innis, The Bias of Communication. Toronto: Toronto University Press, 2006.

    Jean Baudrillard, O crime perfeito. Lisboa: Relógio d’Água. 1996.

    McLuhan, Marshall, Understanding Media. London/New York: Routledge, 2001.

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