
Class Text and Discourse Analysis Methods

  • Presentation


    This curricular unit aims to motivate a questioning of the different linguistic, textual and discursive plans that frame and regulate communicative phenomena.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1.Critical diachrony of the concepts of discourse and text

    a) The “duty to speak” in “primitive” societies;

    b) Human discourse as a construction of/against power;

    c) Introduction to rhetoric;

    d) Crisis of oral societies and spread of written culture;

    e) The transition from mythical structures to the discursive structures of Western culture;

    f) What is a “text”?;

    g) What relationships does the text establish with the world.


    2. Meaning, representation and interpretation


    3. New text forms

    a) The materialities of the communication and the “formations” of the text;

    b) Writing as a technique;

    c) Ways of reading.


    4. The hermeneutic relationship with texts. Textual typologies.


    5. Origins and objectives of Discourse Analysis:

    a) Analysis methodologies. Framing, Narrative-Storyline and Macro-structures. The KWL grid.

    b) Discourse Analysis applied to the Media: Press, Radio, Audiovisual and Advertising.

    c) Digital media and “mediaculture”.

  • Objectives


    The CU aims to constitute a systematization of the problems raised by writing, speech and texts, in their communicative function, and to provide clarification on the different devices and instruments, their effects on humans and on the modalities of writing and reading.

    At the end of this CU students should be able to:

    1. Know the problems raised by writing, texts and speech in their communicative function;

    2. Understand the phenomena of cultural specificity of Western discursive practices and the formation of key figures in determining the textual field: author, critic, interpreter, reader;

    3. Produce an analytical discourse about the media;

    4. Reflect critically on contemporary media.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Active teaching-learning methodologies will be used, such as the flipped classroom, among others, centered on the learner.

  • References


    BARTHES, Roland. (1997). O Prazer do Texto. Lisboa: Edições 70.

    BLEICHER, Josef. (1992). Hermenêutica Contemporânea. Lisboa: Edições 70.

    CAMERON, Deborah e out. (2014). Working with Written Discourse. London: Sage.

    CHARAUDEAU, P., MAINGUENEAU, D. (2008). Dicionário da Análise do Discurso. Lisboa: Contexto

    ECO, Umberto. (1971). A Obra Aberta. S.Paulo: Ed.Perspectiva.

    FOUCAULT, Michel. (1992). O que é um Autor?. Lisboa: Vega.

    FOUCAULT, Michel. (1989). L’Ordre du Discours. Paris: Gallimard.

    FOUCAULT, Michel. (1998). As Palavras e as Coisas. Lisboa: Edições 70.

    FURTADO, José Afonso. (2012). Uma cultura da Informação para o Universo Digital. Lisboa: Fund.Francisco Manuel dos Santos.

    PLATÃO, Crátilo: Diálogo sobre a Justeza dos Nomes. Lisboa: Sá da Costa.

    SUBTIL, F., (2006) Compreender os Media. Coimbra: Minerva.

    ZENGOTITA, T. (2006). Mediatizados – Como os Media moldam o nosso mundo e o modo como vivemos. Lisboa: Ed. Bizâncio.

    RICOEUR, Paul. Do Texto à Acção: Ensaios de Hermenêutica II. Porto: Rés.


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