
Class Media Theory

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    Genealogy of media concept: meaning and object of a media theory. Technical devices and its discourse: form antiquity to present day.

    Media, discourse, reality: media and power; media and suspicion; media and simulacra; remediation.

    The Canadian School of Media: Harold A. Innis: time and space; Eric A. Havelock: the Greek inheritance; Marshall McLuhan: the extensions of body.

    Marxist media critique: Walter Benjamin: media and art; Günther Anders: world in images; Hans Magnus Enzensberger: media and mobilization.

    Contemporary Media Theory: Niklas Luhmann: medium and form; Jean Baudrillard: the decline of the real; Paul Virilio: excess and velocity; Boris Groys: the submedial; Friedrich Kittler: the post-human; Peter Sloterdijk: «actio in distans».

  • Objectives



    a) distinguish medium (media) and technology;

    b) Describe technically mediated experience;

    c) adapt knowledge into an argumentative and critical judgement to current situation;

    d) identify the main paradigms in thinking mediation;

    e) to produce a critical judgment about media in a creative context;

    f) recognize how media shapes culture;

    g) know the genealogy of the media and how an theory of the media is possible;

    h) recognize the 'media reality’;

    i) to identify as differences and antitheses between different theoretical positions;

    j) have a critical position on the history of the media;

    k) be acquainted about the relations between the media and society;

    l) determine the impact of the media on the arts and aesthetics;

    m) be able to identify political strategies made possible by media;

    n) identify research branches in media studies.

    o) be able to build a systematic argumentative discourse on the relationships between culture, art, media and reality.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Oral exposal class; hermeneutics and textual heuristics; public discussion of arguments; visual support material

  • References


    Eric A. Havelock, A musa aprende a escrever. Reflexões sobre a oralidade e a literacia da antiguidade até ao presenteLisboa, Gradiva, 1996.

    Friedrich A. Kittler, Gramophone, Film, Typewriter. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1999.

    Günther Anders, La obsolescencia del hombre. Sobre el alma en la época de la segunda revolución industrial (Vol I). Valencia: Pre-Textos, 2011.

    Hans Magnus Enzensberger, «Constituents of a Theory of Media»In Timothy Druckrey (ed.), Electronic Culture. New York: Aperture, 1996.

    Harold A. Innis, The Bias of Communication. Toronto: Toronto University Press, 2006.

    Jean Baudrillard, O crime perfeito. Lisboa: Relógio d’Água. 1996.

    McLuhan, Marshall, Understanding Media. London/New York: Routledge, 2001.

    Paul Virilio, Esthétique de la disparition. Paris: Galilée, 1989.

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