
Class European Union Law

  • Presentation



    The legal order underlying the EU is an integral part of the political and social reality of the 27 Member States, Portugal being one of these States.



  • Code


  • Syllabus


    Part I - EU legal order

    1. Legal nature of the DUE (DUE and European Law; DUE and International Law; DUE and the national legal system)

    2. Fonts

    3. Distribution of competences

    4. EU regulatory framework

    5. Decision-making procedures

    6. Normative force of the EU legal system

    Part II - DUE Principles

    1. Principles included in the Lisbon Treaty

    2. EU Charter of Fundamental Rights

    Part III - The Fundamental Freedoms of the Internal Market

    Part IV: European Union Law in particular: "Area of ¿¿Freedom, Security and Justice"



  • Objectives


    The Curricular Unit of European Union Law aims to enable students to know the organizational and regulatory structures of the European Union after the Lisbon Treaty, since the origin and process of European integration are included in other Curricular Units. , intends to develop the necessary competences for the operationalization of the European Union legal system in its articulation with the already taught Constitutional Law.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    - Theoretical classes (expository) interspersed with discussion and analysis of specific topics, in the classroom.

    - Encourage discussion, especially when structural aspects of European Union Law are at stake

    - Encouragement of participation.

    - Two written assessment tests, with a total weight of 90% in the final grade. The remaining 10% of the final grade will reflect class participation and the assessment of the quality of this participation.

    - Final written exam (100%), in accordance with the rules established in the Assessment Regulations of UL – Centro Universitário de Lisboa.

  • References



    - MACHADO, Jónatas - Manual de Direito Europeu. Coimbra: Gestlegal, 2018.

    - MARTINS, Ana Maria Guerra - Manual de Direito da União Europeia – Após Tratado de Lisboa (reimpressão da 2.ª edição). Coimbra: Almedina, 2018.

    - GORJÃO-HENRIQUES, M. -  Direito da União - História, Direito, Cidadania, Mercado Interno e Concorrência. Coimbra: Almedina, 2019.


    Constituição da República Portuguesa, em

    Tratado de Lisboa, em ou em edição das Editoras Almedina ou Porto Editora.

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