
Class Modern and Contemporary History of International Relations

  • Presentation


    Knowledge of the historical origins of international relations in today's world. The course Modern and Contemporary History of International Relations aims to provide an understanding of how the contemporary international condition developed from the structures of the past. Modern and Contemporary History of International Relations aims to present the outline of the evolution of international relations from its beginnings until the First World War (1914-1918), through the Modern Age and the 19th century.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE MODERN WORLD: 1. The State and sovereignty; 2. The Law of international relations.
    FROM THE CONGRESS OF VIENNA TO THE SOCIETY OF NATIONS: 1. Transformations in international society; 2. The Law of international relations.
    THE "SHORT 20th CENTURY": 1.º The end of the European Age; 2.º The new international law.
    OUR TIME: 1. Globalization and its price; 2.º The lessons of history.

  • Objectives


    In view of the objectives set, the curricular unit intends that students acquire the following competences the following competences: knowledge of the historical origins of international relations in today's world, in order to world, in order to understand the functioning of the political institutions of today's world and of European European relations.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Continuous assessment requires attendance at three quarters of classes, participation in discussions, oral presentation of an individual or small group work on a theme of the programme and completion of a written test face to face. Weighting value of each of these elements: 10% - Attendance and punctuality 25% - Participation in the debates on theoretical corpus 25% - Oral presentation of a work 40% - Synthesis test.

  • References


    Políticas na Idade Moderna, Coimbra, Almedina, 2003.
    Portugal e a Comunidade Internacional, Lisboa, Quid Juris, 2012.
    Textos de apoio de História das Relações Internacionais, Lisboa, AAFDL, 2012.
    As Relações Internacionais de 1800 a 1871, Edições 70, 2002.
    As Relações Internacionais de 1871 a 1914, Edições 70, 2007.
    As Relações Internacionais de 1918 a 1939, Edições 70, 2007.
    Relações Internacionais Desde 1945, Edições 70, 2009.
    Diplomacia, Lisboa, Gradiva, 1996.
    IAN CLARK, Legitimacy in International Society, Oxford, 2007.
    Compreender os Conflitos Internacionais. Uma Introdução à Teoria e à História, Lisboa, Gradiva, 2002.
    Curso de Relações Internacionais, Cascais, Principia, 2000.
    MARIE-HÉLÈNE RENAUT, Historie du Droit International Public, Paris, Elipses, 2000.
    SLIM LAGHMANI, Historie du Droit des Gens. Du Jus Gentium Imperial au Jus Publicum Europaeum, Paris, A. Pedone, 2003

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