
Class The Governing System of the European Union

  • Presentation


    This curricular unit aims to show how the governing system of the European Union (EU) works, how decisions are taken and how they are implemented. It explains the notion of the governing system, using the tools of Political Science, and illustrates how the EU has several elements typical from political systems. It describes how the system works, presenting and analyzing each of its elements. Therefore, the objective is to enable students to distinguish and identify the features of governing and political systems; to recognize the EU Member States governing elements; to understand the powers of European institutions, including decision-making, the legislative process and approval, and policy implementation; and to express critical views on the system.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    - Analysis, deepening, and consolidation of key concepts;

    - Module 1: Introduction and European Integration;

    - Module 2: Governing System vs. Political System of the European Union;

    - Module 3: Executive policy of the European Union;

    - Module 4: Legislative power of the European Union;

    - Module 5: Judicial policy of the European Union;

    - Module 6: Political processes of the European Union;

    - Module 7: Democracy, parties, and elections in the European Union;

    - Module 8: Interest representation in the European Union.

    - A prospective look at the EU governing system.

  • Objectives


    This curricular unit has as main objectives to give the student the ability to identify the characteristics of the EU Member States political systems; to recognize the characteristics of the EU governing system; to know the powers of the European institutions, how the decision-making process takes place, who initiates legislation, the approval of laws and their implementation; to develop the capacity for critical and reasoned thinking about the system.


  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Debates, simulations and written exercises in class will be a driving force of the methodologies supporting the teaching-learning process. Lectures and/or study visits, with reports, will bring students closer to the tasks they will perform in their future professions.

  • References


    Cini, Michelle; Borragán, N. Pérez-Solórzano (2019). European Union Politics. 6ª Edição, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

    Hix, Simon; Bjorn, Høyland (2011). The political system of the European Union. 3ª Edição, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

    Moniz, Jorge Botelho (Org.) (2022). O Futuro da União Europeia: Política, Economia, Estado de direito e Religião, Lisboa: Edições Universitárias Lusófonas.

    Nugent, Neill (2017). The Government and Politics of the European Union. 8ª Edição, Londres Palgrave Macmillan.

    Reis, Liliana (2020). Instituições, Órgãos e Organismos da UE. Lisboa: Almedina.

    Silva, António Martins (2013). Sistema Político da União Europeia: arquitetura, funcionamento e teorização. Coimbra: Almedina.


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