
Class Introduction to Law

  • Presentation


    Introduction to Law pursues two complementary goals: raising students' awareness of the meaning and scope of Law and the very particular refinement of the interpretation of legal norms, making use of the proper application of Law, relevante for this degree.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    I. The general sense of law:
    1. Law in society: social order, religious order and the legal order
    1.1. Analysis of the legal order (internal legal order and international legal order)
    2. Sources of Law
    3. Branches of Law - Classification of Law
    4. Legal norms: elements and characters
    5. The interpretation of the law - elements of the interpretation
    6. Integrating the gaps in the law
    7. Law enforcement in time and space

    II. the legal relationship
    1. Introduction
    2. The subjects: natural persons and legal persons
    3. The object
    4. The fact
    5. The guarantee

  • Objectives


    Provide students a global image of Law, by determining their position and functions in the social system, their relations with the State and its value content, as well as knowledge of general notions, previous and common to the different branches of Law; initiate students in legal reasoning, thought and legal language, along with the methodology of the study of the Science of Law.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching method:
    - Seminars and practical lessons.
    - Thematic talks, following a previously prepared presentation scheme.
    - Classes must be accompanied by reading the recommended bibliography.
    - Encouragement of participation. Students will be instructed to read the recommended bibliography and actively participate in discussions of the subjects under review.

    - Participation in the classroom (10 %)
    - Two written tests (45%+45%).

  • References


    Manuais de estudo:
    - Amaral, Diogo Freitas. Manual de Introdução ao Direito. Vol. I. Coimbra: Almedina Editora.
    - Amaral, Diogo Freitas. Manual de Introdução ao Direito. Vol. II. Coimbra: Almedina Editora.
    - Silva, Germano Marques (2015). Introdução ao Direito. Lisboa: Universidade Católica Editora

    Legislação de suporte :
    - Código Civil

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