
Class Scientific Methodology

  • Presentation


    It is intended to make students aware of the methodology of scientific work and provide them with conceptual tools that allow them to choose the appropriate methodological strategies to prepare a work of a similar nature. It is also intended to make students aware of the ethical principles underlying scientific research.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    Research: strategies used. Direct and indirect documentation. Phases of bibliographic research. Types of bibliographic records. Bibliographic survey. Care to be taken into account and how to use a library or an archive of traditional (printed or handwritten) or computer sources. General structure of a publication or a scientific work. Bibliographic referencing criteria. Final presentation.

  • Objectives


    Students should know how to structure a scientific work; identify and apply the various methods and techniques of analysis, with regard to data collection; process the information collected; write the text consistently applying the chosen rules.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    The curricular unit adopts the theoretical-practical methodology, combining the methodology of directive type with the analysis of theoretical bodies and formal models and the joint realization of exercises of application of knowledge. The final grade will result from a knowledge assessment test and a paper in which the student applies the set of norms and rules of a scientific work.

  • References


    Coutinho, C.P. (2022). Metodologia de Investigação em Ciências Sociais e Humanas - Teoria e Prática. 2ª ed reimpressão. Coimbra: Almedina.

    Marconi, M.A. & Lakatos, E.M. (2017). Fundamentos de Metodologia Científica. 8a ed. São Paulo: Editora Atlas. 

    Quivy, R. & Campenhoudt, LV. (2008). Manual de Investigação em Ciências Sociais. Lisboa: Gradiva Editora.

    Sampieri, R.H.; Collado, C.F. & Lucio, P.B. (2006). Metodologia de Pesquisa. 3ª ed.São Paulo: McGraw-Hill Interamericana do Brasil, Lda.

    Silva, A.S. & Pinto, J.M. (Orgs.). (1990). Metodologia das Ciências Sociais. 4ª ed. Biblioteca das Ciências do Homem. Porto: Edições Afrontamento, Lda.

    Vilelas, J. (2022). Investigação - O Processo de Construção do Conhecimento. 3ªed, 2ª reimpressão. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo, Lda.



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