
Class Political Economics I

  • Presentation


    This is a UC about microeconomics issues, at an introductory level, basic concepts, fundamental laws (demand, supply and prices), so that students understand the fundamental problems of economics regulated by law. It also introduces the main currents of economic thought underlying possible systems of economic organization .

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    I. OBJECT AND METHODS: Conceptions and systems; Economic analysis.
    II. FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS: Fundamental economic problems; Tradeoffs; Scarcity, utility and value; Production possibilities and opportunity cost: Market, government and economic decisions.
    III. MARKETS, PRICES AND ELASTICITIES: Notions of price and market; Competition; Demand and supply; Efficiency, market failures, externalities; Price formation in monopoly markets.
    IV. MARKET, GOVERNMENT AND WELFARE: Intervention policies in prices and markets; Efficiency, equity and well-being; Economic effects of taxes; Role and weight of the State; International trade.
    V. SYNTHESIS OF THE HISTORY OF ECONOMIC THOUGHT: Economy in the Middle Ages; Impact of the English Industrial Revolution; Adam Smith's liberalism; Socialist currents; Christian social doctrines; Neoclassical school; Contemporary thinking.

  • Objectives


    Achieve knowledge of basic concepts and theories of economics. To understand the scope of economic relations and its impact on the central issues of the functioning of economic, political and social institutions, both internally and internationally. Prepare students for better understanding and mastery of economic relations, regulation and functioning of markets and the economy in general, as well as preparing the basis for further training. Develop skills to understand the fundamental problems of microeconomics relevant to training in other areas of the Bachelor's degree.

  • References


    SOUSA, Domingos Pereira de, Economia Política. Lisboa, Edições Universitárias Lusófonas, 2021

    MANKIW, N. Gregory - Introdução à Economia, tradução da 3.ª edição americana, Thomson
    PORTO, M. C. Lopes, Economia - um texto introdutório , Reimpressão da 4ª edição, Coimbra, Almedina, 2017
    SAMUELSON, P. & NORDHAUS, W. D., Economia, 19ª Edição, Lisboa, McGraw-Hill Portugal, 2011

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