
Class Penal Law III

  • Presentation


    This curricular unit concerns the study of some crimes in particular and constitutes the field par
    excellence for the student to put into practice the knowledge acquired in the curricular units of Criminal
    Law I and Criminal Law II.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1- Crimes against people
    1.1- Crimes against life
    1.1.1.- The different legal types of crime
    1.2- Crimes against intrauterine life
    1.2.1-The different legal types of abortion crime
    1.2.2.- Termination of pregnancy is not punishable
    1.3- Crimes against physical integrity
    1.3.1- Study of some legal types of crime
    1.3.2.- The consent provided for in article 149 of the Penal Code
    2- Crimes against heritage
    2.1- Property crimes
    2.1.1- The legal definitions contained in article 202 of the Penal Code
    2.1.2- The different types of theft, provided for in articles 203 and 204 of the Penal Code
    2.1.3 - The different types of abuse of trust, provided for in article 205 of the Penal Code
    2.1.4.- The refund or repair of article 206
    2.1.5.- The particular nature of some of the crimes studied
    2.1.6 - Theft of vehicle use
    2.1.7. - The different legal types of theft crime
    2.1.8 - The different legal types of damage crime

  • Objectives


    It is intended that the student acquires accurate knowledge about each of the different points of the
    Program Content, namely that he / she acquires a relatively deep view of crimes against life, against
    physical integrity and some crimes against property.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Open classes via zoom, given by professionals in the forum
    Development of small works on the Moodle platform

  • References


    Comentário Conimbricense do Código Penal, I (2.ª ed., 2012), Tomo II, Vol. I ( 2.ª ed., 2023), Coimbra Editora;
    COSTA, J.F. Direito Penal Especial: contributo a uma sistematização dos problemas ¿especiais¿ da
    Parte Especial, Coimbra Editora, 2004;
    VILELA, A. «Notas sobre a última revisão ao Código Penal: um exemplo, o artigo 132.º». RPCC, 2,
    2009, p. 199-215;
    __, Notas dispersas sobre algumas normas do C.P.». RFDULP on line, 1, 2012.__, Revisitando o n.º 1
    do artigo 206.º do Código Penal: a extinção da responsabilidade criminal e a (não)necessidade de pena.
    In: JULGAR On line, Set. 2015 ;
    __, «A interrupção da gravidez ao abrigo da alínea e) do n.º 1 do artigo 142.º do Código Penal,
    introduzida pela Lei n.º 16/2007». In: Direito da Saúde V, Almedina, 2016, 93-110;
    __,«A propósito da técnica de qualifqualificação do homicídio prevista no artigo 132.º do CP», v. 1 nº 11,
    2018,RFDULP, pp 117 e ss.
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