
Class Health and Physical Fitness

  • Presentation


    This CU approaches health promotion through physical exercise and lifestyle modification, supported by updated scientific evidence, reflecting the importance of sleep, reduction of sedentary lifestyles and promotion of physical activity. The CU enables an approach to the real needs of the sports coach, as well as the promotion of health in the athlete, according to the global vision and commonly accepted in the scientific community of salutogenesis and well-being associated with physical exercise. The UC seeks the extension of contents covered in previous years at the level of prescription and exercise in apparently healthy populations, deepening for the young/adult athlete, with reference to the prevention of injuries and the management of more common pathologies in athletes.

    Thus, the UC is articulated with the others by an approach that aims the integration of previously acquired knowledge.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Physical activity and health

         1.1 Interrelation between concepts of physical activity, physical exercise, sedentary behavior and health

         1.2. epidemiological surveillance of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior; methods of physical activity assessment in children and adolescents

    2. Components and evaluation of physical fitness and its association with health (laboratory and field methods / test batteries)

         2.1. Methods for assessing physical fitness in children and adolescents - FitEscola and FitnessGram

         2.2. Advantages and disadvantages of using different methods

    3. Deleterious effects of sedentary behavior

    4. Risks associated with physical activity/physical exercise

    5. Importance of sleep for health

    6. Prescription of physical activity:

         6.1. in the healthy population

         6.2. in population with associated pathologies (obesity, hypertension, asthma, diabetes, osteoarticular problems)

    7. Recommendations for the 24 hours movement behaviors

  • Objectives


    Considering the purpose of the UC, the programmatic content and teaching methods aim that the student is able to:

    • Understand and distinguish the concepts associated with health and physical exercise practice based on the main references and entities in the area, developing the ability of an integrated view of the best evidence associated with the key concepts under study.
    • Know and understand the main health changes associated with chronic diseases more prevalent in children and adolescents and their relationship with physical fitness.
    • Know and know how to apply the methods of physical activity assessment.
    • Understand the harms of sedentary behavior.
    • Understand the risks associated with physical activity/physical exercise.
    • Understand the importance of sleep for health and well-being.
    • Understand and master the assessment of physical fitness and exercise prescription in healthy populations and in disease.
    • Understand and master the promotion of health.
  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    This CU will use expository methods and experiential learning. There will be three moments of continuous assessment during the semester: one written assessment (60%), group work and respective oral presentation (25%) and analysis of the existing evidence and resolution of case studies (15%). Grades below 7.5 are considered insufficient and a supplementary assessment test must be performed whenever the average of the partial grades is equal to or higher than 9.5. This recovery test can be oral or written, to be held in the last class of the semester. The final exam will involve a written test with oral assessment; these two components (written test and oral test) will each have a weight of 50% for the final mark of the exam. The students must attend 70% of the total number of classes.

  • References


    • ACSM (2017). Guidelines for exercise testing and prescription (10th Edition). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
    • Teixeira, D. S., Gaspar, C., Marques, P. (2017). Manual do Técnico de Exercício Físico. Porto Salvo: Edições Manz.
    • The Cooper Institute for Aerobic Research. FITNESSGRAM - Manual de Aplicação de Testes (2009). 3ª Edição, Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, Lisboa.
    • Malina, R., Bouchard, C. & Bar-Or, O. Maturation, Growth and Physical Activity (2004). 2nd Edition. Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL.
  • Office Hours

    Office Hours

    Nome do docente  

    Horário de atendimento


    Eduarda Sousa-Sá

    De acordo com a disponibilidade dos alunos, o atendimento é agendado pessoalmente ou por email em sintonia com a disponibilidade da docente.

    Em sala a combinar ou online.







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