
Class Biochemistry

  • Presentation


    The discipline of Biochemistry aims to define the concept of biochemical reaction, to present the different actors of Biochemistry, water and biomolecules, to the students, and to introduce the main biochemical functions, like enzyme mechanisms, bioenergetics, biological information, adapting the concepts to the physical activity and exercise

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    Introduction. (I.1, Objectives, I2, Thecell).


    The water. (II.1 Properties II.2 Acids, bases and buffers III.3 Hydration andDehydration.


    Hydroelectrolytic balance).


    Endocrine system (III.1) Components III.2 Hormones III.3 Lines ofaction).


    Proteins. (IV.1 Amino acids IV.2 Peptide binding IV.3 Structure proteins. IV.4. Catalytic and regulatory centers. IV.5. Enzymes.).



    Glícidos. (VI.1, Definition, VI.2Classification).


    DNA and RNA. (VII.1 Nucleic acids VII.2 Replication VII.3 Transcription VII.4Translation).


    Aerobic metabolism. (VIII.1) Overview VIII.2 Glycolysis VIII.3 Glycogenogenesis, glycogenolysis gluconeogenesis VIII.4 The citric acid cycle VIII.5 Oxidativephosphorylation).


  • Objectives


    Understanding and identification of the concepts involved in the structural and functional organization of the animal cell.


    Identify, differentiate, and relate life components, namely at the water level and biomolecules and their components (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids, as well as their enzymatic and hormonal components).


    Integration of the contents for the development of energetic obtaining at the corporal level, more specifically at the muscular level, regarding the aerobic and anaerobic metabolism


    Interpretation and choice of the possible metabolic pathways associated with each type of metabolism (aerobic and anaerobic) applied in sports, dominating both the catabolic pathways and the anabolic pathways of energy metabolism. Transmission and application of theoretical concepts to practical realities (transfer of knowledge to UCs of physiology andNutrition)

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Presential teaching with theoretical-practical classes:


    Requirements to pass the discipline:


    Students may opt between continuous evaluation and finalexamination.


    1. Continuous evaluation: comprises a set of 3 mini-tests carried out during the semester (average counts for 50% of the written grade) and the final frequency (counts for 50%). To be approved, the student must obtain at least 7.5 values ¿¿at each evaluation moment and a minimum average of 9.5 values. If in any (and only in one) of the assessment moments there is a classification situation lower than 7.5 values, the student can recover from this situation (with a maximum score of 10 values). If the average of both moments of assessment is less than 9.5, the student fails the continuous assessment and can take the exam.

    (*) - subject to approval by the Faculty's CP.


    1. Final examination by the end of the semester with a 100% weight (classification equal or superior to 9.5).
  • References


    Laires, M.J. (2008). Bioquímica, Faculdade de Motricidade Humana

  • Office Hours

    Office Hours

    Nome do docente  

    Horário de atendimento


    Catarina N. Matias

    5ªf das 10.30 ás 11.30

    Espaço professor

    Jose Morgado

    4f das  13 ás 14h

    Espaço professor




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