
Class Dance

  • Presentation


    The UC Dance is part of the training course of the student in the 1st cycle in Physical Education and Sport, scientific area Physical Education and Sport. It aims to acquire practical and theoretical dance content (covered by the three levels of specification of the PNEF), referring to the dance forms indicated in the Expressive Rhythmic Activities Area and respective didactics, in order to demonstrate knowledge and skills in order to provide bases for the intervention of the Physical Education and Sport professional.


    It provides essential basic and transversal skills to professional performance, having as areas of action and intervention domains, knowledge of different styles/modalities of Dance, methodological progressions of teaching with an emphasis on improvisation and choreographic construction, through the development of its creative potential with intervention in the domains of Knowledge, Description, Interpretation, Application and Execution with correction.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Body and Movement Block
         1.1. Factors of movement (body, time, space and dynamics) and the different relationships between them;
         1.2. Improvise and comport movement sequence - Choreographic creation;
         1.3. Danced movement - video recording and writing
    2. Popular Dance Block
         2.1. Identify and reproduce the selected repertoire - PNEF;
         2.2. Specific basic concepts, concepts and terminologies inherent to traditional dances;
         2.3. Ethnocoreographic register (description forms and traditional dance record);
         2.4. Choreographic creation: recreating the traditional;
    3. Block of Social Dances - hall
         3.1. The two major groups of ballroom dances: modern and Latin American;
         3.2. The dances contained in the national programs according to the factors: Body, Space and Rhythm;
         3.3. Specific basic concepts, concepts and terminologies inherent to the dances contained in the PNEF;
         3.4. Perform, individually and in pairs, the choreographic threads learned.

  • Objectives


    It is intended that students acquire knowledge and skills that allow them to plan, guide, evaluate and control the teaching-learning process of Dance in its various variants:
    1. Mastering specific basic notions, concepts and terminology inherent to the dances contained in the PNEF;
    2. Acquire skills related to each level of specification, as well as the progressions developed in class - for pairs or individual dance;
    3. Identify, understand and master the factors of movement (body, time, space and dynamics);
    4. Improvise and compose movement sequences.
    5. Identify, understand and prepare dance movement registration sheets;

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Theoretical and theoretical-practical classes (experiential learning) will be taught and the b-learning system (moodle) will be used, where support materials will be available for each of the classes (dance videos, music, descriptions of techniques and support sheets).
    In continuous assessment: students will have to participate effectively in 70% of classes and perform all evaluation moments with a rating equal to or higher than 9.5 and never less than 7.5. Students who rank between 7.5 and 9.4 will be subjected to an extra task specific to the deficit part of the matter.
    The classes will be mostly theoretical-practical (where experiential learning, group and individual work on learning dance content will apply.
    The final classification results from the theoretical-practical performance (70% referring to the practical evaluation and 30% referring to the theoretical evaluation of the contents developed in each Block).

  • References


    Bom, L., Carvalho, L., Mira, J., Pedreira, M., Carreiro da Costa, F., Cruz, S., Jacinto, J., & Rocha, L. (1989). Programas Nacionais de Educação Física, 1.º ¿ 12.º ano. Projecto de Programas de EF para os Ensinos Básico e Secundário instituído pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 286/89, de 29 de agosto. Edição: DGBS-Ministério da Edução.

    Jacinto, J., Mira, J., Carvalho, L., & Comédias, J. (2001). Revisão e Atualização dos Programas Nacionais de Educação Física 3º ciclo. Lisboa: Ministério da Educação.

    Laban, R. (2018). Domínio do Movimento (1ª edição 1971). São Paulo ¿ Brasil: Summus editorial.

    Ribas, Tomaz (1982). Danças populares portuguesas. Lisboa: Instituto de cultura e língua portuguesa, ministério da educação.

    Rosado, M. C. (1998). As Danças Sociais no contexto escolar e não escolar: Detecção de erros na fase de aprendizagem ¿ Tese de Mestrado não publicada. Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, Lisboa.

  • Office Hours

    Office Hours

    Nome do docente  

    Horário de atendimento


    Helena Jalles

    1º semestre

    Terça feira das 16:00h-17:00h

    Sexta feira das 10:00h – 11:30h


    2º semestre

    Terça feira *a definir

    Sexta feira *a definir








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