
Class Theory of Sports Training IV - Handball

  • Presentation


    TPD IV - Handball is a theoretical-practical curricular unit that has its field of action on the performance of the future teacher of physical education and school sport, whether his intervention is in school (physical education and school sport) or in sports training. The teaching-learning process of this curricular unit is based on 3 assumptions:

    • what is Handball (characteristics of the formal game, the beginner's game and culture)
    • what is taught (contents for the early stages of the teaching-learning process)
    • how can be taught (means and methods of teaching).

    The frequency of this course is relevant for the characteristics, values and culture that this sport has in Portugal and in Europe, as well as the relevance of educational values in the formation of the individual.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. The handball game:

    • general characterization of the game and the beginner's game
    • characterization of the rules
    • symbology and terminology

    2. The early stages of learning:

    • characterization of early stages
    • collective and individual pedagogical objectives
    • syllabus

    3. Specific game rules and regulations:

    • game rules
    • manual signals from referees
    • pedagogical aspects of the rules of the game

    4. Handball game principles:

    • general
    • specific

    5. The stages of the handball game

    • counterattack
    • defensive recovery
    • positional attack
    • positional defense

    6. The components of the game: individual and group technical actions and tactics (offensive and defensive)

    7. Game teaching methods:

    • pre-sport games (opposition, interception and persecution)
    • exercises (general, specific and competitive)
    • game (reduced, conditioned and formal)
    • methodological aspects in the construction of exercises
    • game conditioning and constraints



  • Objectives


    1. Describe and distinguish fundamental experiences in Handball (technical, tactical, didactic, pedagogical, methodological and social).

    2. Relate specific theoretical and practical contents of the sport according to a teaching and learning systematization of the handball game through technical-tactical actions and general and specific regulations.

    3. Reflect and analyze the teaching and learning context, creating and structuring situations in progression for the basic domains of the handball game, based on the National Physical Education Programs.

    4. To direct the game and handball situations by applying the rules of the game by refereeing.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    In all classes, students are divided into groups of observers and practitioners, carrying out activities, according to the content, focused on the early stages of learning the game and refereeing technique for understanding and knowing the game of Handball. Students are assessed by oral questioning after taking the theoretical written test. The practical component is evaluated by game direction through refeering technique during matches and exercices. Moodle is used as a complement and space for monitoring and connecting to the contents taught during contact hours.

    The final average must be equal to or greater than 9.5 points. The final classification is calculated by the weighted average of each moment described in the evaluation parameters and instruments.

  • References


    1. CNAPEF (2020). Orientações, Programas, APZS Essenciais e Metas. Disponível em
    2. Federação de Andebol de Portugal (2016). Livro de Regras. Edição de 1 de Julho de 2016. FAP. 
    3. Ribeiro, M. & Volossovitch, A. (2004). O ensino do Andebol dos 7 aos 10 anos. Edições FMH/FAP. Cruz Quebrada. 
    4. Ribeiro, M. & Volossovitch, A. (2008). Andebol 2 - O ensino do jogo dos 11 aos 14 anos. Edições FMH. Cruz Quebrada.
    5. Scaglia, A. J., Reverdito, R. S., Leonardo, L., & Lizana, C. J. R. (2013). O ensino dos jogos esportivos coletivos: as competências essenciais e a lógica do jogo em meio ao processo organizacional sistémico. Movimento, 19(4), 227-249.
  • Office Hours

    Office Hours

    Todos os contatos extra-aula deverão ser realizados via Moodle (esclarecimento dúvidas, marcação de reuniões, etc.).

    O contato poderá ser realizado também por email desde que utilizado o endereço institucional da conta do Office 365 para o contato com o docente, identificando a turma a que pertence:


    Nome do docente  


    Horário de atendimento


    António Lopes

    A combinar em função do horário de cada turma e docente



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