
Class Planning and Assessment Techniques in Physical Education

  • Presentation


    In PAEFD, we study the development of projects, pedagogical plans and programs, treated in an
    integrated manner with the evaluation process, resource management and the collaboration of the
    various agents.
    The theoretical-practical approach of this UC relates the various scopes, deadlines and categories of
    decision (values and objectives, activities and contents, facilities and materials, processes and practices)
    and mobilizes students for research, debate and critical reflection .
    The specificity of Physical Education and School Sport is analyzed, and its relationship with other areas
    (clubs, gyms, etc.).
    Being a curricular UC of the 3rd year, it is intended that the finalist understands the individual and social
    responsibilities regarding the development of the specialty and the deepening of studies.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    P1. Fundamental concepts, assumptions and implications: planning and evaluation; physical education
    and sport; pedagogy, didactics, instruction; projects, plans, programs; movement, physical activity, sport;
    exercise, training and learning; growth, adaptation, development.
    P2. The Model of Integrated Pedagogical Planning (MODIP, 2018). Structures and responsibilities.
    Cycles and years. Purposes, evaluation, resources and activities. The selection of objectives, subjetcs,
    and processes and their specification by levels.
    P3. Concepts and types of evaluation. Values and criteria. The moments of evaluation. Functions:
    diagnostic, formative, sumative. References: criterial, normative and ipsative. Formal qualities. Processes
    and evidences. Evaluation fairness.
    P4. National Programs. Cycle, year, stage and unit panning. Progress and carousel effect. The traditional
    plan by blocks and the stage plan model. The formal qualities of the plans: adequacy, differentiation,
    continuity and progression.

  • Objectives


    O1. Interpret the National Physical Education Programs (PNEF) and the School Sports Program, using
    guided bibliographic research, in the analysis of themes, problems and examples.
    O2. Explain the Integrated Pedagogical Planning Model (MODIP, Bom, 1986/2018) and relate it to the
    PNEF and its application, delimiting areas of responsibility (pedagogical, organization and management,
    and political orientation), and specifying the relationships between elements and subsets of the model.
    O3. Propose reflexive evaluations, qualifying the productions of their own and those of colleagues
    (written and oral) using the criteria of the F.A.C.E. model (Bom, 1998/2015).
    O4. Critically analyze problems and exemplary cases identified in the socioprofessional context through
    field studies and seminars in classes (planned and carried out in small groups), arguing solutions to
    problems (Ref. MODIP and PNEF).

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Master class: the teacher analyzes problems and examples, explains and discusses topics and solves
    exercises. Classes: writing short essays, debate, and problem solving (questions of students; analysis of
    cases and examples; essay assessment); tests and seminars.
    Stage 1, Set, Oct. Main themes and problems, concepts and references. Related UCs. Review of
    students' concepts and experiences. Initial orientation test.
    Stage 2, Nov, Dec. Content development. Preparation, completion and correction of the 1st Global Test
    Stage 3, Febr. Students assess 1st semester tasks and take new GT form. The teacher reviews group
    dossiers and classifies 1GT (20% of the final grade). Planning the 2nd semester. Groups plan their study
    visits and presentation seminars.
    Stage 4, March, Apr. Deepening selected topics and problems. Conducting study visits (groups).
    Stage 5, May. Conclusions. Seminars and evaluation of study visits (30%). Evaluation of 2nd semester
    tests (40%) and individual dossier (10%)

  • References


    Carvalho, L. (1994). Avaliação das aprendizagens em Educação Física. Boletim da SPEF , (10-11),
    Ferro,N. (2014). O Desporto Escolar em Portugal. Revista Diversidades , (45),10-20.
    Jacinto, J.; Mira, J,. Carvalho, L.; Comédias, J. (2001). P rogramas Nacionais de Educação Física,
    atualizaçã o. Revisão dos PNEF elaborados por Bom, L. et all/ Ministério da Educação (1989/1991).
    Acedido em
    Melo de Carvalho, A. (2010). Para um desporto verdadeiramente educativo. Gymnasium , 1 (1), 7-28.
    Bom, L., et allii (1992). A Educação Física no 1º ciclo do ensino básico . Lisboa: DGEBS, Ministério da


  • Office Hours

    Office Hours

    Nome do docente  

    Horário de atendimento


    Luis António Fernandes Bom

    Segunda-feira, 16 horas. 

    A indicar no PUI

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