This CU is part of the 2nd cycle in Teaching Physical Education in Basic and Secondary Education, scientific area Training Teachers and Trainers in Technological areas. It aims to provide up-to-date basic knowledge and its reflection on the main issues of Specific Didactics of Basketball, Handball, Football, Volleyball, Rugby and Korfball. Additionally, it is intended that students recognize the pertinence of this knowledge and reflections for the practical issues of their professional future.
Class from course
Class from course
Degree | Semesters | ECTS
Degree | Semesters | ECTS
Master Degree | Semestral | 14
Year | Nature | Language
Year | Nature | Language
1 | Mandatory | Português
Prerequisites and corequisites
Prerequisites and corequisites
Not applicable
Professional Internship
Professional Internship
Programmatic Content (PC): PC1 - Fundamental rules and basic terminology of team sports; PC2 - Technique / individual and collective tactics / game systems; PC3 - Characterization of game levels and the processes of their evolution; PC4 - Methodologies for observation and evaluation of technique, tactics and game;
The following learning objectives (LO) are defined: LO1 - Know the regulation, terminology and specific concepts and the main technical and/or tactical actions of the modalities; LO2 - Acquire, plan and apply the knowledge necessary for the didactic-methodological structuring of the teaching of collective modalities at the levels of basic and secondary education; LO3 - Use observation methodologies that enable effective/efficient intervention in improving student learning: LO4 - Apply assessment and reflection processes for the teaching/learning activities developed.
Teaching methodologies and assessment
Teaching methodologies and assessment
Different teaching methodologies (ME) will be used: Demonstration, experimentation and practical exercise (ME1) Pedagogical practices in a simulated situation of planning, organization and intervention within the scope of teaching/learning (ME2) Resolution of practical cases (ME3), Visioning and discussion documentaries/videos (ME4), Small group activities (ME5), Feedback information provided by the teacher about the work carried out (ME6).
Caderno de Exercícios Rugby (2012), Associação de Rugby do Norte / Federação Portuguesa de Rugby; Estriga, L.; Moreira, I. (2014). O ensino do andebol na escola - ensinar a aprender. Porto: Editora Fadeup. Garganta, J.; Oliveira, J.; Barreira, D.; Brito, J.; Rebelo, A. (2013). Fundamentos e práticas para o ensino e treino do Futebol. In F. Tavares (Ed.), Jogos Desportivos Coletivos: Ensinar a Jogar (pp. 199-263). FADEUP, Porto. Manual de Treinadores de Minibásquete, António San Payo Araújo (2008) - FPB, ENB e CNMB Reynaud, C. (Ed.) (2015). The Volleyball Coaching Bible - volume II. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers. Reynaud, C. (2011). Coaching Volleyball. Technical and Tactical skills. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers. Tag Rugby na Escola. Dossier do Professor (2011), Federação Portuguesa de Rugby.
Office Hours
Office Hours