
Class Introduction to Digital Processes

  • Presentation


    Introduction to visual communication in the digital realm. Supported by the Interaction from analog to digital methods and plataforms.

    With the theme Discovering the City and its Spatiality as a mainframe, graphical outpout will be developed through the scanning and processing of drawings and images, from abstract representation to architectural character.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    Development of both visual and aesthetics culture. Mastering digital technics for graphic representation, using tools and methodologies of interoperability between analogical and digital, whilst increasing the sensorial, analytic, conceptual and cognitive skills of the students.

    Articulate free hand drawing (expression and observation) and computer assisted drawing (technical and conceptual), mostly through the use of graphic design softwares in case study of buildings and reference spaces in the Metropolitan Area of Lisbon 

    Obtaining both a vocabulary and visual language, focusing on the need of a conceptual coherence, aiming for an individual ¿digital language¿, applied to architectural concept and and communication.

  • Objectives


    Throughout this unit, students should acquire skills in graphic composition and manipulation, mastering basic digital processes, such as:

    1. Notions on graphic composition, using digital tools and software;

    2. Technical knowledge to scan, analyze and manipulate, in a digital interface, free hand drawings;

    3. Develop a visual culture and language, regarding the phenomena and processes of a graphic world, in a critical and analytical perspective, applied to arts and architecture;

    4. Acquire a conceptual coherence, to be used with efficiency and accuracy whilst using digital tools;

    5. Methodologies and strategies for developing panels and other means of presentation, looking for a clear and creative communication of conceptual ideas and projects;

    6. Discovery, understanding and ability to represent case study spaces and buildings in Lisbon Metropolitan Area;

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Field trips, with practical case studies, related with reference authors and works. Interaction with related curricular units, exercises with critical and analytical component, which will alternate between individual and collaborative format

  • References


    Cunha, Luís Veiga da (1984), Desenho Técnico, Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian;
    Cota: AQ/88-BC ULHT 06660

    Caplin, Steve (2008), Art & amp; Design in Photoshop, Amsterdam ; Boston ;
    Heidelberg ; London : Elsevier : Focal Press
    Cota: MA/270-BC ULHT 36277

    Negroponte , Nicholas (1995), Being Digital; USA: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. [ISBN:
    Cota: IN/7-BC

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