
Disciplina Research-Based Animation Film Production - Building Narratives, Going Virtual, Seeing Reality III

  • Conteúdos Programáticos

    Conteúdos Programáticos

    Installation Based project

    • Prototype
    • Pre-final visualization maquette
    • Virtual Budget

    Narrative based project

    • Final Storyboard + Sonorized Animatic
    • Layouts
    • Production Schedule
    • Final visual concept

    Virtual Budget

  • Objetivos


    Students have to make the pre-production dossier of their thesis project so that by the end of the semester it is ready to be produced.

    Through this process, students concretize all the research and development phase they have done in the previous semesters taking a decisive step towards its realization taking into account all the aspects of the pre-production of the project so that it can be realized in the last semester of the course.

    (In this pre-final phase of the project, students prepare the final details of the thesis project before it goes into production. In the case of a film production, students finalize the storyboard, the sound animatic, the layouts and all the visual and sound design of the project; in the case of an expanded animation artifact, students finalize the prototype and present a mock-up for visualization. In both cases a production schedule and a virtual budget are also presented.)

  • Bibliografia principal

    Bibliografia principal

    The bibliography is specific for each student's thesis project.

Lisboa 2020 Portugal 2020 Small financiado eu 2024 prr 2024 republica portuguesa 2024 Logo UE Financed Provedor do Estudante Livro de reclamaões Elogios