
Class Social Responsibility of the Media

  • Presentation


    Understanding of deontological issues and the journalist's social responsibility, which presupposes not only the relationship between deontology and ethics and law, but also knowledge of the context in which journalistic activity takes place.
  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. How the information market developed.
    2. Ethics and Communication.
    3. The Media today: characterization. Transparency as a core norm of society. The Media as a complex universe. The "news" as a common space. Ideology and Mediageny.
    4. The concepts of «mediatization» and «mediatized person». The «semantic stain» in media post-modernity. The contemporary Information Ecosystem. Disinformation: concept and implications.
    5. The concept of Social Responsibility.
    6. Journalistic deontology. Theories and debates. Deontological Codes.
    7. Deontology in the new «public space». Case Studies.
  • Objectives


    Knowing the ethical and deontological rules of the profession and how to exercise them. To reflect on the fundamental values in confrontation in the professional practice. Be able to evaluate and decide how to carry out the profession responsibly.
  • References


    ARONS DE CARVALHO, Alberto (2022). A Regulação da Comunicação Social. A Experiência Portuguesa. Lisboa: Almedina.

    CORNU, Daniel (1999). Jornalismo e Verdade. Lisboa: Instituto Piaget.

    BERTRAND, Claude-Jean (2002). A deontologia dos media. Coimbra: Minerva.

    LIPOVESTSKY, Gilles (1995). O Crepúsculo do Dever. Lisboa: Publicações Dom Quixote.

    MESQUITA, Mário (2004). O Quarto Equívoco. O Poder dos Media na Sociedade Contemporânea. Coimbra: Minerva.

    NEVES, Maria do Céu Patrão e SAMPAIO DA SILVA, Rui, coords. (2017). Ética Aplicada: Comunicação Social. Lisboa; Edições 70.

    KOVACH, Bill e ROSENSTIEL, Tom (2003). Os Elementos do Jornalismo – o que os Profissionais de Jornalismo devem saber e o Público deve exigir. São Paulo: Geração Editorial.

    RILEY, Carlos Guilherme; HENRIQUES, Claúdia; MARQUES GOMES, Pedro (2021). A Liberdade por Princípio: Estudos e Testemunhos em Homenagem a Mário Mesquita. Lisboa: Tinta da China.


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