
Class Visual Culture

  • Presentation


    Since the 1980s, the notion of visual culture has been imposed. Superficially, visual culture would be concerned with the objects-products of optical machines, such as photography, video, television, film, graphic and digital images, etc. But this mere enumeration reveals that visual culture is first and foremost a new problem. In fact, following the convergence operated by digital, the way we perceived and analyzed images, separately or in genres, such as photography or cinema, video, etc., changed. It is a process that articulates machines, devices, images and bodies in complex apparatuses that are an essential part of the constitution of experience.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Introduction: What is visual culture?
    The contemporary rehabilitation of the visual and the birth of a discipline
    Visual culture as a problem and its epistemological nature
    Visual Literacy
    2. Modern optical regimes
    Reproducibility and multiplication: the explosion of images
    From the optical unconscious to the re-equipment of the human sensorium: the cine-eye and the photogeny of the
    Modernity and the problem of the observer: the disciplinary field of vision
    3. The political economy of images
    Las Meninas as a case study (Foucault)
    Fetishization and commodification in the spectacle society
    From simulacra to the new iconoclasm
    4. Global Images
    The first exterior images of the Earth and universalism
    Telematics and image cinematism
    View global
    5. The post-history of technical images
    Poor images, circulationism and post-internet culture
    Operational imaging and posthuman photography
    Machine vision in the era of machine learning

  • Objectives


    a) The hypervisualization processes that surround and involve the totality of the real;
    (b) the logic of evolution of optical machines and devices and their digital convergence;
    c) The investment of perception by science and technique;
    c) The procedures for capturing and taming vision, namely the dialectic between attention and distraction. d) Ways to interrupt and redeploy vision control processes by releasing images. 



  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Use of materials from popular culture (cinema, comics, video clips, memes, etc.) as case studies and theoretical problematization.

  • References


    José Bragança de Miranda: Corpo e Imagem, Lisboa, Vega, 2017, 3ed. 

    Nicholas Mirzoeff: "What is visual Culture?", Journal of Visual Culture. 

    Marquard Smith: 'Visual Culture Studies: History, Theory, Practice' 

    Walter Benjamin: "A obra de arte na época da sua reprodutibilidade técnica", Trad. João Barrento. 

    Giorgio Agamben: 'Aby Warburg e a ciência sem nome' antecedido de Menmosine de Warburg. 

    Marie-José Mondzain: "Iconic Space and the Rule of Lands" in Hypatia, Vol. 15, No. 4, Contemporary French Women Philosophers. (Autumn, 2000), pp. 58-76 

    Jonathan Crary: "Techniques of the Observer" in October, Vol. 45. (Summer, 1988), pp. 3-35. Paul Virilio: "The Vision Machine", Paris, Galillée
    Lev Manovich, 'Instagram Platform as a Medium'.
    Mitchell Schwarzer: 2Zoomscape: Architecture in Motion and Media", MIT press. 


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