
Rui Filipe Antunes

Rui Filipe Antunes


Visual Artist, Academic, and Researcher in animation. Post-doc researcher of the FCT funded project Technologically Expanded Performance at INET-md | Faculty of Human Kinetics, in Portugal (PTDC/ART-PER/31263/2017). Principal Investigator of the also FCT funded research project Ghost Dance: A methodology for analysing dance movement in interaction with virtual reality (EXPL/ART-PER/1238/2021) - starting in May 2022. Previously Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow (Individual Global Fellowship) at MIRALab, University of Geneve, and BioISI, Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon. Throughout his career, he has been sponsored by prestigious bodies such as the European Research Agency or the Foundation for Science and Technology. His research focuses on the animation of human movement. This has generated a multi-track research career both within academia (the University of London, the University of Geneve, the University of Lisbon - Faculty of Sciences and Faculty of Humans Kinetics) and in the industry where he was also a co-founder and CTO of the spin-off company, AnabiVirtual, dedicated to the development of interactive experiences involving AR and VR for cultural sites. Previously, he completed a PhD in Computational Arts and Technologies at Goldsmiths, University of London, crossing the bridges between art, science and technology. This has been an outgrowth of a parallel practice as a visual artist began in the early 1990s at Ar.Co, in Lisbon, Portugal. His work has been awarded twice in the VIDA competition for art and artificial intelligence (editions 12 and 13) and appears in several publications such as Preble's Artforms book, the scientific magazine ALife, or Leonardo Electronic Magazine, and several art catalogues.


  • Título de especialista
    Curso Avançado de Artes Plásticas [Advanced Course in Fine Arts]
  • Master
    MSc Arts Computing
  • Especialização pós-licenciatura
    Diploma de Profissionalização em serviço [ Diploma of Professionalization in Service]
  • Doctor of Philosophy
    Arts and Computational Technologies (PhD)


Journal article

  • 2022-09, Virtual simulations of ancient sites inhabited by autonomous characters: Lessons from the development of Easy-population, Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage
  • 2021-06, Sobre Caminhar em Confinamento, Revista Lusófona de Estudos Culturais
  • 2017-07-26, Recreating a medieval urban scene with virtual intelligent characters: steps to create the complete scenario, Virtual Archaeology Review
  • 2015-08, On Writing and Reading Artistic Computational Ecosystems, Artificial Life
  • 2014, Two Decades of Evolutionary Art Using Computational Ecosystems and Its Potential for Virtual Worlds, Journal of Virtual Worlds Research
  • 2012, Where is Lourenço Marques?: A Mosaic of Voices in a 3D Virtual World, Leonardo Electronic Almanac

Thesis / Dissertation

  • 2014, PhD, On Computational Ecosystems in Media Arts. Doctoral thesis

Book chapter

  • 2013, Real-Time Behavioral Animation of Humanoid Non-Player Characters with a Computational Ecosystem, Intelligent Virtual Agents, 8108, Springer Berlin Heidelberg
  • 2013, An Ecosystem Based Model for Real-Time Generative Animation of Humanoid Non-Player Characters, Progress in Artificial Intelligence, 8154, Springer Berlin Heidelberg
  • 2012, Generative Choreography: Animating in Real-Time Dancing Avatars, Evolutionary and Biologically Inspired Music, Sound, Art and Design, 7247, Springer Berlin Heidelberg

Online resource

  • 2021-08-24, Episode "A cidade em nós" [The city within us] In Podcast A cidade Hiper-real ,
  • 2021-07, Walking downtown Lisbon without the prevalence of the eye (video and text),
  • 2020-09, Episode "A árvore do esquecimento" [The tree of forgetfullness]. In Podcast Imemorial ,


  • 2019, TEPe (Technologically Expanded Performance), Official site of the research project,
  • 2015, Bio Inspired Human Crowds, Overview Animation of Virtual Populations,

Conference paper

  • Boidance : Dancing the Kinesphere with Virtual reality, Boids and Genetic algorithms, 10th International Conference on Digital and Interactive Arts - Artech2021
  • Aveiro within us : Sensorial walk with real-time procedural video composition, 10th International Conference on Digital and Interactive Arts - Artech2021
  • 2020-11-27, Boidance Software Expanding Dance Using Virtual Reality, Boids and Genetic Algorithm, ARTeFACTo 2020 International Conference on Digital Creation in Arts and Communication
  • 2020-07-22, Sincroni-cidades: Um percurso partilhado em confinamento, Drifting Bodies / Fluent Spaces – Lab2PT & Made of Walking (VII)
  • 2017, From Self-Portraits to Medieval Simulations: Computational Artificial Ecosystems As Multi-Contextual Authoring Tools, ARTECH2017: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Digital Arts
  • 2017, Animating With a Self-organizing Population the Reconstruction of Medieval Mertola, GCH '17 - Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage
  • 2016, Human Crowd Simulation: What CanWe Learn From ALife?, Artificial Life Conference 2016
  • 2016, Bio-Inspired Virtual Populations: Adaptive Behavior with Affective Feedback, Computer Animation and Social Agents (CASA 2016)
  • 2010, Virtual Worlds as Art Practice: EvoArt Methodologies, EVA London 2010
  • 2010, Epigenetics as aesthetic instrument in a generative virtual ecosystem, ARTECH 2010
  • 2009, Senhora da Graça, a virtual world as memorial, Ciantec 2009 - III congresso internacional das artes, novas tecnologias e comunicação
  • 2008, xTNZ - a three-dimensional ecosystem, 4th International Conference on Digital Arts (Artech 2008)

Artistic exhibition

  • 2022-03-17, Seven blind walkers through Lisbon’s skinscape , Convento de São Pedro de Alcântara - Encontro Internacional Sobre a Cidade o Corpo e o Som - TEPe2022, Lisboa, Portugal
  • 2022-03-16, Paisagens sonoras de Lisboa: Dia de Páscoa; PpE; Música mobiliário; Sons do turismo , Convento de São Pedro de Alcântara - Encontro Internacional Sobre a Cidade o Corpo e o Som - TEPe2022, Lisboa, Portugal
  • 2014, A-EYE, Saint James Hatcham Church, London
  • 2012, Onde é Lourenço Marques? [Where is Lourenço Marques?], Tin Shed Gallery, London
  • 2012, Closing Event -Watermans International Festival of Digital Art 2012 - Furtherfield, Watermans Centre(Londres)
  • 2010, xTNZ - auto-retrato como mundo virtual [xTNZ - self portrait as virtual world], Arcade Gallery, Chicago, USA
  • 2010, Post Human/Future Tense - University of Chicago (Arcade Gallery), Arcade Gallery(Chicago)
  • 2009, Lá Fora, Central Tejo (Lisboa)

Artistic performance

  • 2022-07-05, Imemorial - Passos no Cativeiro, Lisboa
  • 2022-03-17, Imemorial - Carta a Lisboa, Encontro Internacional sobre a Cidade o Corpo e o Som - TEPe2022, Lisboa, Portugal
  • 2021-06, Imemorial - A mão e a grandeza, Festival Mimesis, Coimbra -

Spin-off company

  • AnabiVirtual, Augmented Reality and Virtual reality for Museums ,

Other output

  • 2018, Easy Population, Software package for generative populations composed of autonomous, self-organizing, characters distributed by the Unity3d asset store
  • 2014, Where is Lourenço Marques?, Software for Interactive documentary in the form of virtual world, about the "retornados" a community of refugees and former colons who flew to Portugal after the independence of Mozambique. Onsite version 2014. Online version 2016.
  • 2011, Senhora da Graça, Software for generative evolutionary virtual world, presented in artistic settings in Portugal and accessible online. Currently deprecated.
  • 2010, xTNZ, Software for generative evolutionary virtual world, presented in diverse artistic settings around the world and accessible online. Currently deprecated.


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