
Class Law

  • Presentation




    Students in this course acquire the following skills: 
    Understand the various functions of the State and its sovereign bodies; 
    Handle the current rules in Cedes / Laws; 
    lnterpret and apply a juridical norm; 
    Perception of the need for a juridical system in an organized society; 

    Perception of the legislative processo and its application by the courts.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    Syllabus (CP): 
    CP1: Object, and purpose of Law; 
    PC2: Law and related figures; 
    CP3: The sources of law; 
    CP4: The legal norm; 
    CP5: The Application of Law; 
    CP6: The State: Elements and functions; 
    CP?: The legislative process; 
    CP8: Termination of Law; 
    CP9: The legal sanction and the protection of the Law; 
    CP1 O: The Branches of Law; 
    CP11: The legal relationship; 
    CP12: The conceptions of Law; 

    CP13: A brief aprroach to european Union Law.

  • Objectives


    Main objectives of the course: 
    Sensitize students to the importance of legal rules in today's society; 
    To make known the institutional dimension related to the legislative production and the application of the Law by the Courts; 
    Make students understand the purposes that the law aims to achieve; 
    Acquire the fundamental and basic notions of law that are necessary in their professional life, as well as the essential terminology and necessary knowledge of the structures of legal thought, 
    giving them an overview of the existing legal mechanisms in the current legal system, facilitating their understanding, interpretation and application of legislative acts 

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    During lhe classes the expository and participative method is used - interactive classes (participation in the debates about the taught subjects) 
    Case study resolution. 
    The course is organized in a model of theoretical and practical classes, in arder to foster debate and deepening and reflection on the issues. 

    Evaluation: First written exam (50%) Second written test (50%).


  • References


    - Silva; Germano Marques da (2015). Introdução ao Estudo do Direito. Lisboa: UCP

    - A Tutela Geral e Especial da Personalidade Humana [Em linha]. Lisboa: Centro de Estudos Judiciários 2017. [Consultado em 28-02-2022], in %3d&portalid=30

    - Violência doméstica e de género e mutilação genital feminina — 2019 [Em linha]. Lisboa:
    CEJ, 2019. [consultado em 28-02-2022], in %3d&portalid=30

    - Crimes Sexuais [Em linha]. 2.ª edição Lisboa: CEJ, 2021. [Consultado em 28-02-2022] in %3d&portalid=3º

    - Bolieiro, H. & Guerra, P. (2009). A criança e a justiça. Coimbra: Coimbra Editora.

    - Latas, A. J., & Vieira, F. (2004). Notas e Comentários à Lei de Saúde Mental. Coimbra: CEJ/Coimbra Editora.

    - Barros, João Miguel — Sistema Judiciário Anotado. 2.ª edição. Lisboa: AAFDL Editora, 2017

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