
Class Introduction to the Life Sciences Study

  • Presentation


    This is an introductory course on scientific thought and rationality.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    What is science?
    Essential aspects in science: quantification, accuracy of sampling, objectivity. What? How? Why?
    What is and how does the scientific method works?
    Science and Pseudoscience
    Life sciences singularities
    Science and society: bioethics
    The importance of science communication
    Plagiarism in Science
    Discussion of current cases.

  • Objectives


    This course aims to make an introduction to the study of life sciences in their different levels of integration, from biological molecules to ecosystems. Key attributes of scientific thought will be discussed. The importance of evolutionary theory as an integrating principle of life sciences will be highlighted. It will be addressed the importance of life sciences in modern societies.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Active learning, in seminars, with the teacher playing mainly the role of animator and guide of the
    discussion and reflection.
    Allow students to choose which real cases they want to discuss and even stimulate the proposal of
    specific topics to be discussed according to the contents proposed in the CU.

  • References


    • Marçal, D., 2014. Pseudociência. Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos.


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