
Class Animation I

  • Presentation


    Virtual Environments and Animation Technologies

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    Introduction to the basics of animation

    a) time-frame ratio - Understanding the number of frames per unit of time and their manipulation in space.

    b) acceleration-deceleration - Through the spatial displacement of a body in constant time, the ability to internalize the notion of accelerated, decelerated and constant movement.

    c) action reaction -Analysis of the physical relationship in the interaction between two objects both connected to each other and separated with physical collision between them.

    d) rhythm-time Characterization of an action in relation to the speed and pause in the characterized movement of a body

    e) inertial movements -Physics applied to movement where the ratio of weight and material characterizes it.

    f) trajectories -Curve-based animated motion

    g) personality -Combination of all physical principles of animated motion in order to characterize a stereotype

  • Objectives


    Understanding and practical mastery of the basic principles of animation through stop motion

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Each class begins with a demonstrative explanation of the exercise and its objectives followed by the students' practical application in class. The extra class work and for evaluation, the student will perform an individual exercise applied to the technique performed in class with greater complexity. The exercises are evaluated at the end of the semester according to a table provided in the first class.

    It is also evaluated the participation and evolution of the student throughout the semester, as well as the presentation of papers.

    The exercises and their assessment are: acceleration / deceleration (0.5 points), anticipation / followthrough / overllaping (1v), action / reaction (1v), non articulated objects animation (1.5v), articulated objects animation (2v), Plasticine 1 ( 0.5), Plasticine 2 (1v), Cutouts 1 (1v), Cutouts 2 (2v), Cutouts 3 (2v), Cutouts 4 (4v). Final group project (3.5v) Only students who have submitted all exercises are admitted for examination.

  • References


    LORD, Peter e Brian Sibley (1998)  Creating 3D Animation. The Aardman Book of Filmmaking. Nova Iorque: Harry N. Abrams

    MUYBRIDGE, Eadweard (1887)  Muybridges Complete Human and Animal Locomotion. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania

    WILLIAMS, Richard (2001) The Animators Survival Kit. London: Faber & Faber


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