
Class Labour law and social security

  • Presentation


    Finalization of the purposes set out in the objectives of Introduction to Labour Law. To develop competences with regard to Labour Law and to guarantee the fundamental knowledge related to both individual labor relations and collective labor relations, as well as to the Social Security.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    The duration and organization of working hours. Working hours flexibility. Holidays: general principles. Place of work. Pay and other forms of remuneration. Absenses: definition and types. Suspension of the employment contract. Termination of employment contracts: modalities. Colective labour law. Workers colletive representation structures. Colletive labour agreements. Strike. Social Security. Dimensions and concept of Social Security. The right to the Social Security. Social Security regimes. Financing Social Security.

  • Objectives


    The Labour Law as a science with practical interest. Knowledge, skills and competences acquired in training, development, compensation, benefits and industrial relations.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Most of the classes will be theoretical-practical, i.e. they will always give students the opportunity to apply the theoretical knowledge they have previously learnt in practical terms by solving practical cases.

  • References


    MONTEIRO FERNANDES, António - Direito do Trabalho. 22.ª ed. Coimbra: Almedina, 2023.  ISBN: 9789894013938

    REBELO, Glória – Trabalho, Emprego e Segurança Social- Vol. 2. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo, 2021. ISBN: 978-989-561-188-1

    Constituição da República Portuguesa,Código Civil e Código do Trabalho em edição atual. 


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