
Class Analysis of Job Functions, Hiring and Selection

  • Presentation


    The analysis of functions, recruitment and selection, are central activities for the management of transversal human resources, and are essential so that there is an adjustment between people, in terms of their competences, skills, technical knowledge, motivations, with the organzational strategic goals, which consequently will determine its success through the achievement of its goals. In this sense, this course aims to provide students with the development of technical skills and critical reasoning necessary for them to be able to have an integrated view of the main aspects that determine the efficiency and effectiveness of the success of the Recruitment and Selection process.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1.Job Analysis

    1.1. Definition, importance and objectives of a job analysis

    1.1.1. Information necessary for the work analysis, and recommended techniques

    1.1.2. Information collection methods

    1.1.3. Job Descriptions

    2. Recruitment

    2.1. Recruitment: definition

    2.1.1. Types of Recruitment

    2.1.2. Recruitment methods

    2.1.3. Explanatory models of candidates' decisions

    3. Selection: from tests to holistic approaches

    3.1. What is selection

    3.1.1. Personality surveys or inventories

    3.1.2. Intelligence and emotional intelligence

    3.1.3. Instruments focused on individuals

    3.1.4. Specific tests oriented to the functions to be performed by candidates

    3.1.5. Interviews: definitions and types Structure Difficulties, Risks and Biases Guidelines for developing more effective interviews

    3.1.6. Assessment centers

    3.2. New technologies and web-based testing

    3.3. Globalization, internationalization of companies and selection

    3.4. Justice and positive discrimination

  • Objectives


    Develop the ability to develop functional analysis, considering the available methods and materials;
    Understand what constitutes a functional analysis;
    Learn to develop job descriptions;
    Understand what job descriptions consist of;
    Establish the added value of job descriptions for the recruitment process;
    Realize the added value of recruiting suitable employees, and learn how to do it;
    Understand the link between recruitment and selection and justify their matching, according to the tests and context.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Expository method complemented with debate and clarifications, so that students understand concepts and theories.
    Demonstrative method, so that students learn the practical application of concepts and theories.
    Active methods, using instruments used in real occupational settings, and case studies for the development of technical and practical skills.

  • References


    Allen, D.G., & Vardaman, J.M. (2017). Recruitment and retention across cultures. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 4 , 153-181.

    Barrick, M.R., & Parks-Leduc, L. (2019). Selection for fit. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 6 , 171-193.

    Breaugh, J.A. (2013). Employee recruitment. Annual review of psychology, 64 , 389-416.

    Crawshaw, J., Budhwar, P., & Davis, A. (2014). Human resources management: strategic and international perspective . Sage.

    Ferreira, A., Martinez, L., Nunes, F., & Duarte, H. (2015). Gestão de recursos humanos para gestores Editora RH.

    Rego, A., Cunha, M.P., Gomes, J., Cunha, R.C., Cabral-Cardoso, C. & Marques, C.A. (2015). Manual de Gestão de Pessoas e do Capital Humano (3ª ed.). Edições Sílabo.

    Ryan, A.M., & Ployhart, R.E. (2014). A century of selection. Annual review of psychology, 65 ,693-717.


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