
Class Energetic Management

  • Presentation


    Introduction to the problem of sustainable development, its relation to the use and conversion of energy. Elementary knowledge of technologies associated with various types of renewable energy. Knowledge of the Intensive Energy Consumption System (SGCIE). Knowledge of the national energy certification
    system (REH and RES).

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    Description of contents:
    1 - Notions of Environmental Ecology. Environmental impacts.
    2 - Fundamental concepts of energy and definitions.
    3 - Energy management.
    4 - SGCIE - Intensive Energy Consumption System
    5 - SCE - National System of Energy Certification and Indoor Air Quality in Buildings (REH and RES)
    6 - Analysis of national regulation in the energy sector. (Direct and indirect energy costs,reference,
    Energy bill.)
    7 - National energy balance. (Evolution and breakdown of consumption, Energy intensity and other indicators, National energy plan.)
    8 - Sources of energy and energy consumption in the world and in Portugal.
    9 - Fossil fuels and climate change.
    10 - Renewable energies and sustain

  • Objectives


    Critical capacity in the energy sector, namely, energy production methods, ability to discuss differences between final and primary energy, indirect energy consumption, price policy, consumption structures, etc.

  • References


    • Análise Energética de Sistemas, Miguel Águas, AEIST, 1997.
    • Renewable Energy. Power for Sustainable Future (2o Edição), G.Boyle (editor), Oxford University
    • Press.
    • Handbook of Industrial Energy Analysis , Boustead, I. and Hancock, G., 1979, Ellis Horwood
    • Limited, John Wiley & Sons.
    • Energia no Mundo, Edições IEA.
    • Ecologia Industrial: Princípios e Ferramentas, Paulo Ferrão, 2009, IST PRESS
    • Decreto-Lei 118/2013


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