
Class Geriatric Nutrition

  • Presentation


    In the scope of the curricular unit: Geriatric Nutrition, the development of behavioral strategies that facilitate a better quality of life in particular clinical situations will be addressed, particularly in the elderly.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    Determinants of the nutritional status of the elderly

    Evaluation of the nutritional status of the elderly

    Drug-nutrient interaction

    Nutritional needs and recommendations in geriatrics

    Provision of food care in geriatric institutions

    Food education, the elderly and caregivers.

  • Objectives


    To know how to evaluate the nutritional level of the elderly using appropriate methods. To identify changes in the nutritional level of the elderly and to implement strategies to overcome the problem. How to apply nutritional strategies in elderly people in clinical and particular situations.

  • References


    • BUSNELLO F. Aspectos nutricionais no processo do envelhecimento, Atheneu, 2007.
    • FERRY M, ALIX E, BROCKER P. et al. A nutrição da pessoa idosa. Aspectos fundamentais, clínicos e psicossociais, 2ª ed, Lusociência, 2004.

    • DUARTE A. Avaliação Nutricional. Aspectos clínicos e laboratoriais, Atheneu, 2007

    • SILVA S., MURA J. Tratado de Alimentação, nutrição e dietoterapia, 2ª ed, Roca, 2011


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