
Class Health and Contemporary Culture History

  • Presentation


    The curricular unit aims to contribute to the understanding of the high value of nutrition, diet and the profession of nutritionist in society, as well as for understanding the importance of scientific research in nutritional sciences in nowadays' society.  

    In another aspect of the curricular unit will be given methoological rules which conduct to the ability to research and produce scientific texts either individually or in a group.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    I The historical sources of medical practices

    II The scientific revolution from the 17th to the 19th centuries

    III Pasteur and Fleming

    IV The 2nd half of the XXth century

    V The Mediterranean diet food pattern

    VI Food and cooking of ancient civilizations

    VII The rules conducting to the preparation of scientific papers

  • Objectives


    The aim of the curricular unit of History of Health and Contemporaneous Culture is not only to provide an historical perspective of medical and pharmaceutical practices but also to show the individuals, techniques and innovations that have contributed to the current state of these sciences. Understand and apply the methodological rules which conduct to the abiity to research and produce scientific texts either individually or in group.

  • References


    • CABRAL C, PITA J R. (2015) Sinopse da História da Farmácia . Cronologia. Coimbra: Centro de Estudos Interdisciplinares do Século XX da Universidade de Coimbra ¿ CEIS20.
    • FRADA, J. (2005), Novo Guia Prático para a Elaboração e Apresentação de Trabalhos Científicos. Col. Microcosmos. Lisboa: Ed. Cosmos.
    • PITA, J R (2007), História da Farmácia. Coimbra: Livraria Minerva Editora.


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