
Class Demography

  • Presentation


    The UC of Demography is a unit integrated in the 1st year of the degree in Social Work and aims to enable students to a global and cross-sectional reading about the problems of the population and the challenges they pose to the intervention of a Social Worker.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Introduction to Demography (demography as a science; object of study; main demographic concepts and theories)

    2. The main population issues today

    3. Demographic sources (main data sources; indicators on the population; difficulties in collecting data and reliability of information);

    4. Population structures (definition of the demographic profile, analysis and measurement instruments)

    5. Demographic phenomena and dynamics (observation, analysis and measurement. Regional disparities and their impacts)

    6. The future of the world population (main challenges; projections; growth estimates; public policies for social protection, poverty and development).

  • Objectives


    It is intended to enable students with a set of theoretical knowledge and tools that allow them not only to analyze the main population issues and demographic trends, but also to understand their implications on the different forms of occupation of the territory and the challenges they pose to the Social Worker. At the end of this unit students should be able to identify the main demographic issues of today, their trends and implications (current and future). They should also be able to handle the main sources of demographic data, characterize and analyze the evolution of different population structures and their distribution.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    The teaching methodology is oriented towards a process centered on the students' competences and oriented towards the conceptual understanding and reflection of the themes, but also of its
    operationalization. The assessment will be continuous, valuing the participation of students in the learning dynamics. Thus, the following elements will be taken into account:
    - 2 individual written tests, each corresponding to 35% of the final grade.
    - Group work (on points 5 or 6 of the program), representing 30% of the final grade.
    Continuous evaluation presupposes that students attend 70% of the sessions. To be approved the students must obtain a weighted average (of the 3 elements) of 10 values or more. If inferior the students can carry out a appeal exam.

  • References


    • Bandeira, M. L.; Pintassilgo, S.C (2018). Introdução à Demografia ¿ trabalhos práticos. Escolar Editora.

    • Castro, Eduardo; Martins, José; Silva, Carlos (2015). A Demografia e o país, Lisboa, Ed. Gradiva.

    • Cabodeira, Fernando Pereira (2020). Demografia - É Dar Mais Tempo à Natalidade e aos Fluxos Migratórios. Afrontamento.
    • Marques, Teresa et al. (2016). “Nascer é envelhecer: uma perspetiva demográfica evolutiva e territorial na construção do futuro de Portugal” in GOT – Revista de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território, nº10, pp. 207-231

    • Peixoto, João; Craveiro, Daniela; Malheiros, Jorge & Oliveira, Isabel Tiago de (Org.) (2017). Introdução ao estudo – Migrações e sustentabilidade demográfica: perspetivas de evolução da sociedade e economia portuguesas. Ed. FFMS.

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