
Class Social Research Methodology

  • Presentation


     Social Research Methodology is a unit of central interest in preparing students for carrying out work throughout the course as it promotes the consolidation of knowledge and the acquisition and development of operational and analytical-reflective skills required to construct the object . This unit is the first moment of reflection on issues of common sense and knowledge. 

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Knowledge in the social sciences Scientific knowledge / Common sense Knowledge in the exact sciences and social sciences The epistemological rupture;
    2- Presentation, reasoning and justification of the theme
    2.1- Review of the literature and theory in the construction of the object of stu
    2.2- The construction of a conceptual framework;
    2.3- Definition of research objective
    3.- The analysis model
    4- Universe and sample 
    5- Research Methods and Techniques:Observation,Interview,Life stories; Questionnaire
    6- APA Standards
  • Objectives


    This UC has the following objectives: To address the complexity of the investigation process and the use of epistemology; Study research models for the analysis of social phenomena; Identify the object of investigation and build a conceptual framework; Cite bibliography according to APA norms; Identify common sense knowledge and define scientific knowledge. Be able to build an empirical research design; It is intended that students achieve the following skills: Understand the production processes of scientific knowledge as opposed to common sense knowledge; Develop a critical sense of what you hear, see and read in order to rigor in the interpretation of data and in the selection of the construction of knowledge; Know the role of theory in the context of different epistemological traditions, namely the link between the literature review and the construction of a conceptual framework; Know how to write and present scientific works;
  • References


    Alston,M.(2018) Research for Social Workers,Routledge

    Bell, J. (1997). Como realizar um projecto de   investigação. Lisboa: Grad

    Bryman,A.(2022)Social Research Methods,Oxford University Press,4th ed.

    Denzin,N.e Lincoln,K(2011) The Sage Handbook of qualitative research,Sage

    Flick, U. (2005). Métodos Qualitativos na Investigação Cientifica. Lisboa: Monitor.

    Ghiglione, R. & Matalon, B. (1997). O inquérito, teoria e prática. Oeiras: Celta 

    Moreira,C.D,(2007) Teoria e Metodos de Investigação,UTL


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