
Class Theories of Sociology I

  • Presentation


    Understand the emergence of the Social and Human Sciences, in time and space;

    To be able to recognize the approaches and problems  related to the main classical works;

    Introduce students to theorethical social thinking - reasoning and reflection;

    To know the epistemological foundations of social theory (from the common sense to the sociological reasoning), through the analysis of the main theoretical contributions of the classics;

    To have effective capacity from the authors in bibliographical reference;

    To stimulate the capacity of this critical and analytical reflection, with the debate of ideas with all the students;

    Understand the relationship between the theory produced and, in each time and in each space, the empirical research in the field of social sciences and, in particular of social work.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    Sociological theory,social theory and social science;

    Sociology and Social Work;

    Analysis of the social, political and economic context focused in the emergence of Social Sciences;

     Emergence of positivism and previous theoretical foundation, objectified in the scientific knowledge;

    Analysis of classics of Social Sciences and Sociology: The positive tradition of A. Comte and E. Durkheim, in particulary, the rules of  sociological method as empirical procedures to analyse the social facts;

    The comprehensive tradition of Max Weber, focusing on social interaction, representation and power of  a c t o r s  i n  t h e  d e t e r m i n a t i o n  o f  s o c i a l  a c t i o n .

    The historical materialism of Karl Marx, social inequalities and class interests in the determination of social action.


  • Objectives


    Students should acquire knowledge and skills on:

    Epistemological foundations of social theory;

    Problems of the works of the main classical authors of the Social Sciences and Sociology

     Understanding complementarity / rupture - construction / deconstruction / reconstruction - between the various theoretical approaches;

    Analyze and know how to reflect in a critical and analitical way;

    To be able to argue and debate. 

  • References


    Aron, R. (2007). As Etapas do Pensamento Sociológico. D. Quixote

    Braga da Cruz, M. (1995). Teorias Sociológicas. Os Fundadores e os Clássicos - Antologia de Textos. FC Gulbenkian.

    Giddens, A. (2005). Capitalismo e Moderna Teoria Social. Presença.

    Moreira, C., & Bracons, H. (2019). Introdução à Teoria Social. Autores escolhidos.  Edições Universitárias Lusófonas. 

    Nisbet, Robert (1969). La formación del pensamiento sociológico. Vol I e II, Amorrortu.

    Ritzer, G., & Stepnisky, J. (Eds.). (2011). The Wiley-Blackwell companion to major social theorists. John Wiley & Sons.

    Royce, E. (2015). Classical social theory and modern society: Marx, Durkheim, Weber. Rowman & Littlefield.



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