
Class Theories of Sociology II

  • Presentation


    Know how to analyse the questions addressed to contemporary sociological approaches; Introduce students to contemporary sociological thought and reflection on the main problems of postmodern societies through the analysis of the pluriparadigmatic diversity of the theoretical contributions of contemporary authors; Have the ability to reflect about the authors through bibliographical references; Stimulate the capacity for this critical and analytical reflection, with the debate of ideas with all students; Understand the relationship between the theory produced and the empirical research in the field of Sociology and Social Work.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Structural-functionalism

    1.1. Talcott Parsons' action, system and social structure
    1.2. Merton's Theory of Modernization

    2. North American microsociologies and the Chicago School

    2.1. Symbolic Interactionism: Mead and Goffman

    2.2. Ethnomethodology: Harold Garfinkel and Aaron Cicourel 

    3. Critical theory and the Frankfurt School

    3.1 Jürgen Habermas' theory of communicative action

    4. Sociological debates on current issues

    4.1. Theories of classes, stratification and social mobilization

    4.2. Social inequalities in contemporary societies

    4.3. Social change and the "new" social movements

    4.4. The construction of identity in the contemporary world: family, gender and society.


  • Objectives


    Understand the importance of contemporary authors for the analysis of societies at the macro, meso, and micro levels of contemporary life. Analyze the main problems of society through the main current sociological debates.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Analysis of documentaries and subsequent debate with the students. The use of artificial intelligence digital tools is allowed as long as they are properly cited in direct and indirect citation format and also in bibliographic references. It is also mandatory that searches through artificial intelligence are also accompanied by the use of the recommended biography

  • References


    Ferreira, J. et al. (1995). Sociologia. Alfragide: Editora McGraw-Hill de Portugal

    Giddens, A., & Turner, J. (2005). Teoria social hoje. Unesp.

    Goffman, E. (1993). A apresentação do eu na vida de todos os dias. Relógio d'Água.

    Moreira, C., & Bracons, H. (2019). Introdução à Teoria Social. Autores escolhidos . Edições Universitárias Lusófonas.

     Ritzer, George. (1992).Teoría sociológica contemporánea.McGraw-Hill.

    Ritzer, G., & Stepnisky, J. (Eds.). (2011). The Wiley-Blackwell companion to major social theorists. John Wiley & Sons.

    Silva, F. C. (2006). GH Mead in the history of sociological ideas. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences42(1), 19-39.

    Silva, F. C. D., & Baert, P. (2014). Teoria social contemporânea. Mundos Sociais.

    Zoltán, T. (1977). A Escola de FrancoForte.  Edições70.



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