
Class Seminar in research and intervention in  social services I

  • Presentation


    This course aims to deepen the theoretical-methodological and technical-operational knowledge acquired in training in direct articulation with the student's experience in Internship III. Thus, it deepens the theoretical-methodological foundations for the understanding of social phenomena and for a theoretically sustained, reflexive and critical professional intervention.

    This course in interconnection with the Internship III supports theoretically and methodologically the preparation of the internship project and the institutional characterization.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    Part 1. From research to action: the case of curricular internships The meaning of a curricular internship Fundamental elements for the realization of the Internship Ethical and deontological care of the curricular Internship Construction of the internship report: Elements of the internship report Academic standards for the accomplishment of academic work Definition of the internship activities – daily activities and proposed activities (including at least one research activity).  Part 2. Social problems To analyze the different social problems inherent to the internship To analyze the social measures and policies associated with the internship sites

  • Objectives


    Identify and understand the process of developing the internship project
    Deepen the knowledge of the institutional dynamics and the contexts of probation 
    Identify the social problems and social policy measures related to the context of probation 
    Consolidate the theoretical, methodological and technical-operational knowledge
    Reflect on the ethical dimension of the profession 
    Acquire reflective skills and critical analysis of the contexts and institutional practices
    Contribute to the consolidation of professional identity


  • References


    Amaro, M (2009)Identidades, Incertezas e tarefas do servIço socIal contemporâneo. Locus social 2, 29-46
    Banks, S (2013)Negotiating personal engagement and professional accountability: Professional wisdom and ethics work. European Journal of Social Work, 16(5), 587–604
    Bartlett HM (2003)Working Definition of Social Work Practice. Research on Social Work Practice 13(3), 267-270
    Granja, B (2008)O saber procedimental/procedural dos assistentes sociais com os utente. VI Cong Português de Sociologia
    Marques, J Mutschen, K(2021)Entre a teoria e a prática: visões das assistentes sociais. Temas Sociais (1), 89-103
    Parker, J & Bradley, G (2014)Social Work Practice. Transforming social work practice. Sage
    Robertis, C de (2011)Metodologia de Intervenção em Trabalho Social. Porto Ed
    Serrano, G P (2008)Elaboração de proyectos sociais. Porto Ed
    Veronica C & Orme J (2018)Social Work Practice. Bloomsbury Publ
    Viscarrett, J (2007)Modelos y métodos de intervención en Trabajo Social. Alianza Ed


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