
Class Introduction to Economy

  • Presentation


    The existence of the UC Introduction to Economics in the 1st Cycle of Social Work, will become an important piece, in that it can help students understand how Economics works, the economic models that influence societies. These elements are important when dealing with phenomena such as poverty, migration and other events of a social nature and leading to social exclusion, it is in the economy, or in the way it is conducted, that a good part of the responsibility lies in the existence of that same social exclusion, so dear to Social Work.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    Introduction: What is Economics? Definitions. Economics in the context of the Social Sciences. Interdisciplinarity. Organicist Conception of Economics.Economics as a science of material well-being. Economics as the science of harnessing material conditions. Economics and methodological issues. The birth of Capitalism in Europe and the emergence of Liberalism and the advent of Political Economy. The Theorizations of Adam Smith; J. Keynes; Amartya Sen; J. Stiglitz. II.Fundamental Economic Concepts: Micro and Macroeconomics. Economic needs. The notion of economic goods. Economic value, use and exchange values. III. Economy, Politics and Society: Demand for a Sustainable Economy. Social State, Social and Solidarity Economy. The economic dimension of human rights. IV. The PRRs, the Green Tax. V. The War in Ukraine and Economic Changes. VI The ECB and Interest Rates, VII. The Challenges for the Twenty-First Century.

  • Objectives


    With the UC: Introduction to Economics, it is intended that students know the evolution of Economics over the centuries, and can understand the affect that economic models have on the lives of populations and what are the consequences, especially social, of the options taken by the political power in this regard.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    The evaluation presupposes the accomplishment of 2 tests of evaluation of obligatory knowledge and presence and participation in the classes: 1st Test - 45% 2nd Test - 45% Attendance and participation in the classes - 10%

  • References


    FERNANDES, António; PEREIRA, Elisabeth; BENTO, João Paulo et al . Introdução à Economia . 2ª edição. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo. 2019. GARRIDO, A. Uma História da Economia Social . Lisboa: Edições Tinta da China. 2016. LAVILLE, J-L. A economia Social e Solidária: práticas, teorias e debates . Coimbra: CES/ Edições Almedina, SA. 2018. SACHS, J.D. A era do desenvolvimento sustentável . Lisboa: ConjunturaActualEditora. 2017. SILVA, Nuno Cardoso da. Elementos de Economia e de Economia Política para estudantes de Ciências Sociais. Manuais Universitários nº2. Lisboa: Edições Universitárias Lusófonas. 2018. SOUSA, Luís Pereira. Economia Política . Manuais Universitários. Lisboa: Edições Universitárias Lusófonas. 2021. VALLIER, Jacques. Breve História do Pensameno Económico. De Aristóteles aos nossos dias. 2016. WEBER, M. Economia e Sociedade. Lisboa: Edições 70. 2022

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