
Class Tourism and Territory

  • Presentation


    This curricular unit is structural to the knowledge that the student must gather about the national tourism resources and products as well as the various tourist territories. It establishes a region by region analysis, characterizing the landscape and geography, identifying and characterizing the tourism potential of the territory, adapting the various types of tourism, building adequate tourism supply on a sustainable basis, identifying the various territories (rural, mountain, coastal, urban). The initial theoretical approach to the geographical Portugal and to the tourist territories, is followed by the teaching of methods for the creation and presentation of tourism supply in the context of Cultural Tourism, mainly, among other types of tourism. The aim is to establish a knowledge link between the territory - its physical and human aspects, and tourism and leisure activities - structured in the light of sustainable land management practices.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Organisation and administrative division of the territory
      1. Former provinces
      2. First level administrative divisions
      3. Urban Areas (Metropolitan Areas, Intermunicipal Communities, Regional Coordination and Development Commissions)
      4. NUTS
    2. Organisation and division of the territory into tourism zones
      1. Regional Tourism Authorities
    3. Characterization of the Portuguese territory
      1. Geographic notions of Portugal
      2. Regional climatic diversity
      3. Geographical distribution of the population and low density
    4. Analysis of the tourism potential of the territory
      1. Geomorphology and geology
      2. Hydrology
      3. Fauna
      4. Flora
      5. Tangible Cultural Heritage
      6. Immaterial Cultural Heritage
    5. Identification and characterization of Tourism Destinations and Resources in Portugal
      1. Tourism segments per region: identification and characterisation
      2. Identification of tourism resources and tourism products
      3. Routes, Itineraries, Routes and Tours
      4. Construction of tours and itineraries
    6. Analysis of National Tours by region
  • Objectives


    1. Understand and characterise geographically the national territory.

    2. Identify and characterize the tourist territories, their potential and existing and future tourism products.

    3. Identify, characterize and select tourism resources in order to create the tourism offer

    4. Plan and create tourism products adapted to the territory in a sustainable tourism perspective

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    With the aim of bringing learning methodologies into line with current guidelines for student-centred teaching, the following actions will be implemented:
    It is intended to use Moodle to streamline the exchange of information gathered and the discussion between the groups on the topics being analysed, which will take place outside the classroom environment. The use of this platform for these purposes is in line with the A3ES guidelines for stimulating and promoting "learning communities in virtual environments" and "cooperative learning".
    Interactive Exposure will preferably be applied in conjunction with methods centred on Inquiry and Cooperation, promoting individual student participation and their integration into work and research groups. Problem-Based Learning and Case Studies will be reinforced in the approach to the labour market through practical classes and guided tours.

  • References


    Castanho, R. A., Couto, G., Pimentel, P., Carvalho, C. B., & Sousa, Á. (2020). Territorial Management and Governance, Regional Public Policies and their Relationship with Tourism. A Case Study of the Azores Autonomous Region. Sustainability , 12(15), 6059.

    Figueira, L. (2013), Manual para Elaboração de Roteiros de Turismo Cultural, Tomar, IPT

    Mattoso, J., Belo, D., Daveau, S., (2010) Portugal O sabor da Terra - um retrato histórico e geográfico por regiões, Temas e Debates.

    Saramago, J. (1981), Viagem a Portugal, Lisboa, Circulo de Leitores

    Silva, F., Umbelino, J., (2017) Planeamento e Desenvolvimento Turístico, Lidel, ISBN 9789897522307

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