
Class Heritage and Tourism

  • Presentation


    The Curricular Unit of Heritage and Tourism aims to comprehensively define the framework of the various types of Heritage applied to Tourism, giving particular incidence to the Cultural Heritage. After the characterization of the heritage aspects, a touristic offer will be built, demonstrating its application in the context of cultural tourism in the form of Cultural Routes. The aim is to develop the stimulation of visual memory and the debate on the impact of heritage on Tourism and its preservation.

    In order to develop an understanding of the current and future national offer, direct research on the offer of cultural tourism and the various types of it is promoted. This is a structuring CU in the training panorama of the future tourism professional as it defines, together with Art and Tourism (1st year) the basis of knowledge on national Cultural Tourism.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Introduction to Heritage and the various types of Heritage.
      1.  Definitions and concepts, generic characterization of the various types of Heritage; Introduction to the specificity of the Cultural Heritage
    2. Cultural Heritage and Identity
      1. The impact of the various types of Heritage in the regional and national identity; National and international responsible entities structuring the Heritage and cultural tourism;
    3. Heritage categories and typologies
      1. The tangible and intangible, movable and immovable heritage: definitions and scope.
    4. Cultural tourism and the inclusion of various types of heritage.
    5. Introduction and construction processes of Cultural Routes, Itineraries and Cultural Routes.
      1. Analysis of existing routes and practical exercises in building itineraries according to the methodology of Type I and Type II.
    6. New resources, new trends and new forms of tourism and heritage.
  • Objectives


    Get a broad perspective of the various types of patrimony, focusing especially on the cultural heritage, its relationship with different identity processes and tourism development factors, by the uniqueness provided; Develop critical capacity, motivator of dynamism and creativity, able to take advantage of the potential of the heritage (s); Interconnect programmatic content of other courses related to the Heritage; Apply the knowledge acquired to the scrutiny of case studies; Identify and understand the dynamics of national cultural tourism, tourist attraction centres and the various types of heritage allocated to this form of tourism; Understand and outline the stages of design of Cultural Routes; Identify and characterize the main national monuments inserted in the dynamics of Cultural Tourism; Plan, build and present tourism offer.


  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    In order to bring the learning methodologies closer to the current guidelines for student-centred teaching, the following actions will be applied:

    It is intended to use Moodle to streamline the exchange of information gathered and the discussion between the groups on the topics under analysis that will be carried out in an environment external to the classroom environment. The use of this platform for these purposes corresponds to the A3ES guideline in order to stimulate and promote "learning communities in virtual environments" and "cooperative learning".

    Interactive Exposure will be preferably applied, together with methods centred on Inquiry and Cooperation, promoting individual student participation and their integration in working and research groups. The already used Problem-Based Learning and Case Studies methods will be reinforced in the approach to the labour market, guided visits and practical classes, fulfilling the A3ES guideline "Learning in the Workspace".

  • References


    Matteucci, X., Koens, K., Calvi, L., & Moretti, S. (2022). Envisioning the futures of cultural tourism. Futures142, 103013.

    Pereira, P. (2011). Arte Portuguesa. História Essencial, Lisboa: Temas & Debates, Círculo de Leitores.

    Richards, G. (2018). Cultural tourism: A review of recent research and trends. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management36, 12-21.

    Richards, G. (2021). Rethinking cultural tourism. Edward Elgar Publishing.

    Siamak, S., Hall, M., Rasoolimanesh, M. (2020) Exploring memorable cultural tourism experiences, Journal of Heritage Tourism, 15:3, 341-357, DOI: 10.1080/1743873X.2019.1639717

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