
Class Tourism Business Management

  • Presentation


    This UC presents Management from an integrated perspective, traversing the various disciplines that integrate them. Students are expected to understand how they integrate and contribute to the alignment of the organization.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    I. Tourism/hotel companies

    Managers, management and business

    II. The concept of strategy and management

    Strategy and management in hotel/tourism

    III. Types of management strategies

    National strategies

    International strategies

    The internationalization strategy

    Strategic Alliances

    Mergers and Acquisitions

    IV. Fundamentals of business organization

    Organizational Structures




    V. The strategic and management implementation

    The programs, plans, budgets and procedures

    Elaboration of a business plan


  • Objectives


    LO1. Obtain a clear integrated vision of the tourist company, its structure, its processes and functions;

    LO2. Understand how a tourism company shapes its boundaries, its borders, and how the company senses opportunities and formulates its strategies;

    LO3. Have a good level of knowledge of the concepts that serve as a basis for the interpretation of the reality of the tourist company;

    LO4. Improve decision-making in the possession of qualitative and quantitative models and methods of analysis Prepare action alternatives to changes in the external environment

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    The sessions are essentially theoretical/practical, privileging active learning methodologies: case studies, simulated practice, focus groups, etc.

    Approval in the subject will be achieved with an evaluation equal or superior to 10. The teaching/learning methodology adopted is based on the articulation between theoretical (T) and theoretical-practical teaching and presupposes the realization of the following activities:

    1- Continuous evaluation that will have a weighting of 40% and that will consist, fundamentally, of two progressive tests (accumulative of the subject) obligatory, carried through the semester and previously programmed with the class.

    2- Research work to be combined with the teacher, with a 60% weighting.

    As an innovative methodology to support the teaching-learning process, online learning and interactive digital resources will be used, as well as a business simulation for the development of the Business Plan.

  • References


    Ferreira, M. P., Marques, T., Reis, N., Santos, J.C., (2010), Gestão Empresarial. Lisboa: Lidel, Coleção Manual Prático Lidel

    Dias, A., Varela, M, Costa, J. (2013). Excelência organizacional. Lisboa: Bnomics

    Teixeira, Sebastião (2016). Gestão das Organizações. Lisboa: Escolar Editora

    Hitt, M. A.; Ireland, R. D.; Hoskisson, R. E.. STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT: Competitiveness & Globalization - Concepts and Cases. Cengage Learning, Boston, 2017.


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