
Class Scientific Research Methods

  • Presentation


    This course crosses two essential elements for the education of graduates in tourism: quantitative and qualitative research methods. It allows students a first contact with the scientific method and data analysis using statistical tools and also qualitative analysis.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Statistics and Research Methods – Overview of Course
    2. Research methods in tourism: introduction to quantitative methods
    3. Research methods in tourism: introduction to qualitative methods
    4. Specific research methods: Case studies; ethnography and participant observation
    5. Specific research methods: life stories; action-research(IdeaLabs); ePortfolios; design-thinking research methods
    6. Design of research projects.
    7. Sources of information: Documentation; Observation
    8. Research ethics

  • Objectives


    Students who successfully complete the course will be able to:

    • LO1. To understand what research can be used for and what methods are available depending on the particular research question.
    • LO2. Develop empirical research skills based on both qualitative and quantitative methods and techniques.
    • LO3.  To create a questionnaire and interpret the results.
    • LO4. Know the main concepts of descriptive statistics and how to analyze a statistical variable; To know how to analyze the relations and associations between variables;
    • LO5. To conduct simple interviews and make a thematic analysis of the interview data
    • LO6. Understand the various types of knowledge that exist and the importance of ethics in research
  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Digital pedagogy tools like Padlet and Menti and Escape rooms will be used and project-bsed learning methods will be applied to evaluated activities. Student reflection and discussion will be stimulated using various innovative pedagogy techniques such as team-based learning. Trello will be applied to student group work to encourage students to manage their project using digital tools and engaging in active learning and scrum methodology.

  • References


    Anderson, David Ray; Sweeney, Dennis J. e Williams, Thomas A. (2007). Estatística aplicada à administração e economia,2ªed. London: Thomson Learning

    Bhattacherjee, A., (2012). Social Science Research: Principles, Methods, and Practices. Textbooks Collection. 3.

    Denscombe, M. (2007). The Good Research Guide. Open University Press: Berks., UK.

    Fortin, M-F (2006), Fundamentos e Etapas do Processo de Investigação, Lisboa: Lusodidacta

    Reis, Elizabeth (2008). Estatística Descritiva, 7ª ed, Lisboa: Edições Sílabo.


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